How can I disable the double tap zoom on my Droid phone

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Feb 21, 2017
I have a Droid phone and when I'm playing a game it seems in and out by itself need to stop at don't know how
How to turn off the double tap zoom (Magnification Gestures)

The double tap zoom, or Magnification Gestures as it is actually called, enables you to temporarily magnify what’s on your tablets screen.

To enable, or disable, magnification gestures you need to...

1. Go to "Settings" and then "Accessibility".
2. Next tap "Magnification Gestures".
3. Set it to either on or off, depending on which you are trying to do.

Note: When "Magnification Gestures" are turned on, you can magnify, pan, and zoom in many ways.

1. You can zoom in or out by "triple-tapping" the screen. Then, while zoomed in, you can:
a. "Drag" two or more fingers to pan across the screen.
b. "Pinch" two or more fingers together, or spread them apart, to adjust...
How to turn off the double tap zoom (Magnification Gestures)

The double tap zoom, or Magnification Gestures as it is actually called, enables you to temporarily magnify what’s on your tablets screen.

To enable, or disable, magnification gestures you need to...

1. Go to "Settings" and then "Accessibility".
2. Next tap "Magnification Gestures".
3. Set it to either on or off, depending on which you are trying to do.

Note: When "Magnification Gestures" are turned on, you can magnify, pan, and zoom in many ways.

1. You can zoom in or out by "triple-tapping" the screen. Then, while zoomed in, you can:
a. "Drag" two or more fingers to pan across the screen.
b. "Pinch" two or more fingers together, or spread them apart, to adjust the zoom level.

Another Note: If you enter, or exit, an app when zoomed in, you should be automatically zoomed out. To re-zoom in, all you need to do is triple-tap the screen again.

To temporarily magnify what's under your finger, triple-tapthe screen and then hold it on the last tap.

In this magnified state, you can:

1. "Drag" your finger to explore different parts of the screen.
2. "Lift" your finger to return to the previous state.

Note: Triple-tap for magnification works everywhere except the keyboard and navigation bar.
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