Im really upset right now, to start off. Okay so, first what happened is that i went onto my channel just to check it out. Once there i saw a little box on my banner that led to Google+, which supposedly is now automatically made if you have a Youtube account. I dont (or atleast didnt at the time) want a Google+ account and i saw that my uploaded videos were posted on it too. I proceeded to delete it and chose to delete only Google+ and its connected stuff, instead of selecting to delete my entire Google account (would delete all Google accounts like Yotube and GMail). Then i went back to Youtube and i saw that my account and channel were basically gone. It said my videos were still on, but they have been removed or something. My Youtube username was no longer present and was replaced with my email associated with Youtube/Google. I tried fixing it and a pop up would show having me input some info, my YT username was filled in, profile pic was there, b-day was there too. I just had to put in that i was a male and had to repeatedly click continue. After an error message kept telling me something about my username and to try again, i landed on some Google page where i had to fill in my username and channel type, only to find out that it was having me make a new channel. I just want to be able to use my current channel normally like i was everyday, i dont want to lose my subscribtions, subs, playlists, favorites, etc. associated with my current YT channel/account that i have managed to break. Please help me! i contacted Google about this via Youtube feedback, but havent gotten any replies. I wish i wouldnt have done any of that and kept the Google+ account, it wasnt near worth it. PLEASE HELP!