How can I prevent background processes from being reenbled when my Android phone restarts?

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Feb 24, 2018
My phone new-used phone is barely functional until I disable the background processes, which is a particularly tedious option to change while the processes are still running.

However, every time my phone restarts (for whatever reason) it goes back to "standard".

How can I prevent this?
You need to provide some details about what you are trying to disable exactly. Background processes are not a single thing, it's a name for everything that starts automatically that you can't see that works in the "background". Often you will need to root your phone to stop them from running, but you need to know what you are doing since disabling the wrong thing can cause your phone to stop working, or have issues with functions.
This is NOT a solution, but an answer to @hang-the-9's request for clarification.

I don't want to disable a specific background process, I want to prevent ALL of them.

If I go to developer options, I can do this, but it is undone with every restart.

Yes because they need to be run so the phone can function properly. The OS loads them. It's like telling a doctor to remove all of your organs because one is bad. If you are having issues with something, first try a factory wipe to reset the phone, see how that runs. You said you got a used phone did you do a factory reset when you bought it or was it already reset?

If you are trying to remove some of the factory programs, you will need to root the phone to uninstall them, or they just start up again.

Or don't restart your phone. A phone should not need to be rebooted often, mine gets rebooted maybe once every few months.
This is NOT a solution, but an answer to @hang-the-9's response:

The battery in this phone hardly lasts a day, so keeping it going indefinitely isn't always possible.

The phone quite evidently does NOT need all these processes, as proven by the fact that I can kill them immediately after booting the phone and the phone becomes a functional computer rather than a fancy brick.

Maybe during boot it needs to do a lot of shit, but:
1. It could do things sequentially; and/or
2. There should be a way to automatically restore a low/zero process limit after the boot sequence has been completed.

The only way to remove the startup processes is to go through them, see what is starting them, then root the phone, and using those rights remove the programs that run at startup. Most non-stock Android phones do have a lot of things that the carrier installs that are not really needed. It's not a simple process, and for a reason. If it was easy there will be 10 times as many support calls where people are deleting things they should not be causing the device not to work.
This is still not an answer (the terminology on this site needs work):

This phone is already rooted and had the OS replaced with Lineage OS, which I think should be clean enough.

And this is not a problem with startup processes, but with background processes.
I just need to simply disallow all of them - indiscrimenantly - after boot. Exactly the same as if I navigate into the dev option menu without the manuel work.


Seems like an issue with the Android setup then if it does not keep the settings. Try reloading it or try with the stock ROM.
These people seems pretty stupid and do not understand your question

I am also wondering the same thing
Why didn’t google design android to “not allowing any background process” as default and then give people the freedom to allow how many number of apps to run ??

iOS is set to “not allowing any background process” by default and gives no freedom to you at all for allowing apps to run therefore each time when you switch to another app ...... your previous app froze in the background
The same can be said about window mobile ...... sailfish os.... Nokia meego.... blackberry ......webos and so on
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