Question How can I protect myself against someone specific who is trying to hack me personally ?

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Aug 23, 2022
I have recently testified in court against a person as part of a long and ongoing prosecution. All the previous witnesses have been hacked by this person. Presumably, the defendant only had access to their :
  • name
  • date and place of birth
  • home address
  • email address
  • phone number
That's what I was personally required to provide with my statement.
This potential hacker lives more than 300 miles away from where I do. I am fairly accustomed to safe online practice. I use Windows 10 and run the free version of Avast as well as Windows Defender's firewall. My Wi-fi has WPA2. My Android phone has Avast.
I've found lots of info about protection against hackers in general. But I don't know if it's any different when you are targeted by someone.
Am I safe or is there anything I should do, especially from a technical standpoint (VPN, etc - stuff I know little about), to protect my phone, my PC and my activity from this person ?
Its exhausting because when I first tried to explain this to authorities the first time... this sounded crazy and the resources within the law were not available. I regret letting it go. I could see things. I did the usual stuff. The scans run but they arent actually doing anything.
I cant afford to replace this equipment. I started closing all my social media accounts today but one of them is highly connected to me making extra money and it's taken so much to build that and honestly I just feel like he is going to do it again and again. Forever
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