How Can I Record TV Shows For Playing Later?


Apr 21, 2015
Since changing over to Digital age we can no long record shows on our VCR and play them

back at a later time. We purchased a Toshiba DVD player/recorder and our kids gave us a

nice 40" TV for Christmas. Apparently you can no longer record television shows without a

cable box. I called Time Warner and they want us to pay $30 a month for another box for

what we used to get for free. My husband is 90 this year and many shows he might enjoy are

in the mornings, when we are out having our coffee, afternoons when we do our grocery

shopping, or after he goes to bed in the evening. To top it all off, he has severe arthritis; and,

until he has his cataract surgery, he has to stand up to the television in order to see. Before I

go ahead and post pictures of the three boxes we have hooked up, is it at all possible to do

this without paying TW the $30 (which we won't do). Thanks in advance, Lucie
Depending on what connections you have on your current cable box it may be possible to connect it to a VCR but you won't be able to change the channels on the box so the VCR can only be programmed to start and stop recordings on the channel your box is set on. The picture quality will be pretty bad though.
If you wanted to record over the air programs there are boxes to let you do that
with the addition of a USB drive for storage