"Gullible" definition: - naive and easily deceived or tricked. A derivative of archaic gull, "dupe" or "simpleton".
Have you heard about a new mixed drink called the Bin Ladin? …it’s 2 shots and a splash of water.
The guy who made the drink couldn’t show me the drink. Although he did assure me that it was delicious, and that I should be happy he made it.
But seriously, I guess I haven't seen Obama keep his promises, nor bring "change". I'm sorry that I can't seem to trust government. I do know that governments can and have fed their citizens propoganda. Best to have a healthy attitude of scepticism don't you think?
Obama Killed Osama?
Osama Bin Laden was apparently executed Sunday night (EST), coming as a surprise to many that he was still alive since many had concluded that he had
probably died of kidney failure several years ago.
On the news, celebrations broke out across America and right from President Obama downwards calls were heard of justice being served. Though I find it
strange that justice can be served without a trial?
Why Was Bin Laden's Body So Quickly Buried at Sea?
The fact that his body was apparently quickly disposed of at sea smells very fishy to say the least. The whole event smells of a great stage managed
propaganda piece that the mainstream media was more than happy to propagate. The facts are that an increasingly financially broke United States needs to
withdraw from the costly Afghanistan occupation (as already announced by President Obama) and the primary reason for invading and occupying Afghanistan was
to get Bin Laden, therefore it is timely for Bin Laden to be suddenly found, killed and quickly disposed of at sea therefore paving the way for the U.S. to
say siagnora to Afghanistan, especially if the U.S. now has Iran in its sights hence a requirement to replenish and re-deploy military assets.
It may well be that Bin Laden had already died several years ago of kidney failure and it was in U.S. geopolitical interests to keep Bin Laden alive up until
the decision to withdraw from Afghanistan. Skeptical ? Remember that the Iraq War that has cost upwards of 100,000 lives was undertaken under the basis of
Bush and Blair lies.
As for President Obama, he played the ultimate patriot card Sunday night that no republican can match, a great way for him to start his re-election campaign
with, as even republicans were singing his praises, given that there is speculation that the US has known of the compound for several years, perhaps the news
breaking closer to the 10th anniversary of Sept 11th would have deemed to have been a little too suspicious.
Source and Comments:
http/www.marketoracle.co.uk/Article27904.html By Nadeem Walayat