C CedCarter Honorable Mar 5, 2013 1 0 10,510 Mar 5, 2013 #1 hello, I Have An Old Boost Mobile Phone That I Found On The Gound And I Want To Ractivate It. And I Want To Do It Offline. How Do I Do It ?
hello, I Have An Old Boost Mobile Phone That I Found On The Gound And I Want To Ractivate It. And I Want To Do It Offline. How Do I Do It ?
inzone Splendid Moderator Mar 12, 2011 2,203 0 23,260 Mar 5, 2013 #2 Why not try to return it to the person who lost it? It would be an easy thing to do by just taking it to a cell phone provider and they can look up the imei number that's on the phone. Upvote 0 Downvote
Why not try to return it to the person who lost it? It would be an easy thing to do by just taking it to a cell phone provider and they can look up the imei number that's on the phone.
HardwareWhore Honorable Feb 8, 2013 5 0 10,510 Mar 6, 2013 #3 Chances are it's been reported lost or stolen, Once that happens it's flagged and will not be able to activate. Do the right thing and find the owner. Upvote 0 Downvote
Chances are it's been reported lost or stolen, Once that happens it's flagged and will not be able to activate. Do the right thing and find the owner.