Question how do i do to increase dedicated video ram as EGPU ? i'm using xfx rx 470 as EGPU , but i dont see it increases my dedicated video memory (SOLVED)

Nov 17, 2019
sorry if its such a SILLY question

i am using laptop ASUS X555QG with AMD Radeon R7 Graphics + Radeon R8 M435DX Dual Graphics with 2GB DDR3 VRAM Built-in A12-9700P
which is poor performance for gaming,broadcasting, rendering that also i dont have 2GB VRAM in display adapter properties and it used R7 with 1024MB for Dedicated video memory

so i decided to use EGPU with xfx rx 470 4GB VRAM and it worked. i plugged in my display port to VGA, not GPU port
BUT, performance just a bit get better (EGPU has more core clock and memory clock than the integrated graphic card)

the real question is ....
1.if i plugged in my monitor to EGPU display port (external monitor), does it increase my VRAM or Dedicated video memory by 4GB as rx 470 on display adapter properties?
2. and does it improve performance a lot ?

please someone help me
once again i am very sorry if this is silly question.
i just feel not to sure and i just wanna convince my self

problem solved, heres what i did..

this is for EGPU dock's users only

on afterburner, the VRAM fly up to 2gb even more when i use latest unigine benchmark as it specification ofcourse, and play game too such as SOTTR but you wouldnt see dedicated video memory to 4gb(rx470) it still shows 1gb from R7 graphics even your display plugged on EGPU. logically, if monitor connected to whatever EGPU/mobo you are using should show in display adapter properties.but these will not to be happened if you are using APU laptop with locked BIOS

anyway, for rx470 specific the latest WHQL driver if you connect monitor to EGPU it displays nothing on monitor just driver issue. you could use older driver.


if this does help you. please give me something 😊
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It does not impact the integrated graphics, the dedicated 2GB VRAM of the internal graphics chip will be there but not be used.
Game data will be loaded into the EGPU´s 4GB VRAM.

here's some update

actually, i have been disabled my "intergrated" GPU (R8 M435DX ), so it replaced by my EGPU.
which mean i installed my EGPU roles as "integrated" via mini PCIe slot.
my "dedicated" GPU remains. because, system is always using 1gb VRAM as radeon R7 Graphics has. i dont see any 4gb VRAM in total such as task manager/afterburner. they show 1gb VRAM as Hardware Reserved and 1gb max used on afterburner. logically, my 4gb VRAM is unused by system. it just using EGPU's core clock and memory clock.
and i've done some simple research and test performance with 1gb VRAM against 4gb VRAM games, its quite suprisingly for my personal.
IT IS better on 1gb VRAM games than 4gb VRAM games. i consindered it not just only by FPS small area render VS large area render. beside bottleneck, i know what to do to prevent the FPS's defect of using EGPU that has 3x performance than CPU.

as i mentioned in my first question
i just want to know if i change my display port from mobo to EGPU, what am i going to see on display adapter properties ?am i seeing 1gb Dedicated Video memory(R7 Graphics) OR 4gb Dedicated Video Memory(AMD rx470) ???
because i am not buy any of display port cable DVI yet..............

please, someone help me answer this evidently
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i just want to know if i change my display port from mobo to EGPU, what am i going to see on display adapter properties ?am i seeing 1gb Dedicated Video memory(R7 Graphics) OR 4gb Dedicated Video Memory(AMD rx470) ???
because i am not buy any of display port cable DVI yet..............

please, someone help me answer this evidently

If you are connected to the laptop video out, not the external card, the system will be seeing the onboard video. Connect the display to the video card.