How do I turn off the fn function on my samsung laptop

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Mar 3, 2013
I have a brand new Samsung 3 series laptop, seems my FN key is stuck, all "fn" keys work as if I am holding it, however I can not get it reversed. Any idea on what to do? I tried to hold down fn and f11 ad it did not work.
You see the BIOS option when booting your computer. It's the first thing you see, probably a huge SAMSUNG logo on the screen. Rapidly press F2 a few times when viewing this screen and the BIOS menu should open up in a few seconds.

I do say a big thanks. Even if the answer might have been obvious (for those who knows of FN lock key) this is one of the best straight answers I found on the internet for a while - and a very helpful one when you get annoyed why your brand new Samsung laptop has problems with a key ....



Feeling "stupid" ain't the half of it for me. almost 2 years I've had to deal with this perplexing issue ... only a reboot allowed me to reset it.


You have no idea how dumb I feel. Thank you so much (I mean that graciously, btw, cause it solved my problem. I feel sooo dumb... but liberated).

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Tanks my friend...I really appreciate your help. I had change the setting unintentionally and i did'nt know what button I had pressed! thanks a lot!
I feel like an idiot because the answer was in front of me the whole time. If your Fn keys are locked, then press the Fn lock key that is to the right of F12. Your welcome! 😉
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God thank you! Yet another idiot here liberated by the simple answer! Many thanks, it's been annoying me for the last few days.

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Another very relieved user also feeling a little stupid! So obvious but somehow there are a lot of us making the same mistake...
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Awrite folks got a question aboot MA laptop its a Samsung 3 series model number NP370R5E-A05UK and I was wondering if you know or could find out how to access the hidden Intel menu in the BIOS ? I know for older models there were hotkeys to press when inside the BIOS to open this menu up but can't see much aboot it online for this model
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