News How soon should you run again after a marathon?

Jun 10, 2023
Thank you for the article. Interesting perspective. But I think it would also be interesting to report on the other extreme of runners who run marathons with little break between them. Daily consecutive marathons are not so uncommon. I have Parkinson's disease and running is my medicine so after a marathon I usually take only two days or so of a break. For instance this spring I ran the London Marathon six days after running the Boston Marathon. It's well understood that the mental aspect of running is paramount and I would argue that this is true of recovery as well. Also, I would love a more critical review of Garmin's Body Battery metric. I never get to 100% and often bottom out in the midst of a long run and can continue for 10 or more miles carrying with me a dead battery. And seriously, I am nothing special. I just think the Body Battery metric can't be applied universally.