How to enable disk controller in bios windows 7

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Toshiba Labtop vista/windows 7 ---This will save you time i already did the work.

IF you are trying to install a hard copy of windows vista/windows 7 like me on a toshiba lab top. Here is what you are going to have to do. You can not enable the disk controller in your bios, it is more than likely blocked. Start your computer and hit f2 until the bios comes up. Under advanced setting in your bios change your Sata from AHCI to compatibility mode. That is it. Then restart your computer hit the f12 button and boot from disk.

Enjoy... I hope i saved you some time it took me a while to figure this out.

P.S. after windows is installed you can just go to...
enable what?
if you are trying to enable something on restart press f8 to go to bios, under integrated peripherals you can enable/disabled your integrated devices such as internet, bluetooth, lan, etc

Toshiba Labtop vista/windows 7 ---This will save you time i already did the work.

IF you are trying to install a hard copy of windows vista/windows 7 like me on a toshiba lab top. Here is what you are going to have to do. You can not enable the disk controller in your bios, it is more than likely blocked. Start your computer and hit f2 until the bios comes up. Under advanced setting in your bios change your Sata from AHCI to compatibility mode. That is it. Then restart your computer hit the f12 button and boot from disk.

Enjoy... I hope i saved you some time it took me a while to figure this out.

P.S. after windows is installed you can just go to toshiba website and download the drivers. YOur wifi won't download right away either, you will have to download form site. IF you look up your drivers windows vista/7 should install them for you. Google toshiba and drivers...

P.S. I also formated the hard drive using Ubuntu live disk. I clicked the ubuntu Icon and typed in Gparted. I then formated the hard drive to MTFS.


HHA :bounce:


I know this is an old thread but had to thank you. Worked perfect. I almost gave up before I read this. Thank You
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