how to enable sound through 3.5 jack and not hdmi?

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Nov 11, 2013
So for my pc setup I am using my LG tv as my monitor. I am using a HDMI cable to connect the pc to tv (running the hdmi through the gfx card). Also the tv does not have vga, just hdmi..
While running this setup, i do get sound from my tv but i cant get sound from any of the 3.5 audio jacks on the pc. I would like to use my headphones or speakers instead of the tv speaker. From what i have read, hdmi through the gfx card disables the onboard audio of the mother board. I looked in the bios to enable the onboard but it says it already is.
i also tried to disable/enable different high definition audio controllers though /device manager but that also did not work.

Is there is something that i am over looking or is it just not possible. The only option i have read thus far is an expensive vga to hdmi controller, which i would rather not do. So any help is greatly appreciation. And i apologize to the poor grammar but i was trying to keep it simple as possible.

This was one of the first things i have tried but it too had no effect.
Realtek high def audio (plugged in) / set default / It will show that music or sound is playing thought he green bars but there is no sound

yup, i played with all of those settings as well and still nothing.. i am starting to think the hdmi though the gfx card has full over-ride
So after more fiddling, I uninstalled then reinstalled the Realtek driver and now everything is working! Im not really sure what was wrong but I'm sure glad its fixed.. Thank for your replies
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