How to fix a tablet if it doesn't turn on

What I do is hold the power button for 20 seconds,
Wait 5 seconds,
Then hold the power button until your tablet comes on.
If this doesn't work, give it another try in a few minutes.
Good luck!

My girlfriend has a Lenovo TAB 2 A8-50. The tablet would not boot or show that it was charging. After following your suggestion, the tablet finally booted up and showed it was at 93% charged. Thank you for your suggestion and saving her tablet from the trash can.

You're an angel!
Your suggestion is all I need to make my Lenovo Pad TABS8-50LC raise from the dead! I'm about to send this to electronic repair shop that will cost me a lot but then I saw your suggestion and you fix it!

Salamat my friend
I have a netbook tablet 11 inch i lose the charger but i buy a new one I plug it to charger I try turning it on n it won't turn on it has a yellow light on. Help me
What I do is hold the power button for 20 seconds,
Wait 5 seconds,
Then hold the power button until your tablet comes on.
If this doesn't work, give it another try in a few minutes.

Experienced smartab with black screen. It had sound. Only a backlight would come on. I removed the back cover. Disconnected the battery cable. Reconnected and power on. It works! Wanted to share. I threw away 2 of my kids tablets in the past two years with same symptom. This time I didn't give up. It worked! Only if I had tried this.

Well, I tried the 20 second thing and it worked!!!
Asus ZenPad 3S 10 9.7" (2048x1536), 4GB Ram, 64GB eMMC I bought a few months back and this is the first mishap so was greatly disappointed.
I was using it outside for some pictures and put it in my car, drove home and it was blank. No button activated it. I then plugged it in to the charger then into my computer and still nothing.The 20 second rule was exactly that, 20 seconds and on came the charging symbol. A second 20 seconds activated the tablet. What is the cause? Cold weather?

You are awsome. Thanx a lot


It worked for my Lenovo Yoga Pro. Thank you so much!