Should you need to load a factory image of Android Marshmallow, you might see “error: update package missing system.img” or “error: update package missing boot.img” messages appear. Fortunately there is a way round the error, so if you need to fix missing system.img error in Android Marshmallow, read on.
The error is mainly for Nexus users manually updating from previous Android versions caused by a bug in the image script. So if you see the system.img error in Android Marshmallow, here’s how to fix it. We’re assuming you have backed up your phone already.
1. Download the Android Marshmallow factory image.
2. Extract the .tgz file into a folder on your desktop. You should see the following files: radio, bootloader and an image file called xxx.zip (numbers where you see xxx).
3. Unzip the xxx.zip file into a new file and name it. You should then see: userdata.img, system.img, recovery.img, cache.img, boot.img, radio.img, bootloader.img. (radio and bootloader files may have numbers and letters in the name).
4. Paste both the bootloader and radio files from the extracted .tgz file into the folder you created so it should contain: userdata.img, system.img, recovery.img, cache.img, boot.img, radio.img and bootloader.img.
5. Make sure your phone has plenty of battery and is not plugged into the computer.
6. Install ADB and Fastboot drivers onto your computer.
7. Boot your phone into Fastboot by powering off, pressing down the volume and power buttons together until you see Fastboot on the screen.
8. Connect the phone to your computer.
9. Open a CMD window (Windows OS).
10. Type or paste ‘fastboot devices’ into the CMD window. A serial number should appear.
11. Type or paste ‘fastboot flash bootloader name-of-your-bootloader-image-file.img’.
Use the exact filename in the folder for the name. For example, my Nexus 5 has ‘bootloader-hammerhead-hhz12d.img’ as the image name so I would type ‘fastboot flash bootloader bootloader-hammerhead-hhz12d.img’.
12. Type or paste ‘fastboot flash radio radio.img’. Again, use your filename. Mine was ‘radio-hammerhead-m8974a-’ so I would enter ‘fastboot flash radio radio-hammerhead-m8974a-’.
13. Type or paste ‘fastboot reboot-bootloader’.
14. Type or paste ‘fastboot flash system system.img’.
15. Type or paste ‘fastboot flash boot boot.img’.
16. Type or paste ‘fastboot flash recovery recovery.img’.
17. Type or paste ‘fastboot erase cache’.
18. Type or paste ‘fastboot reboot’.
(All type or paste codes are of course without the ‘ ’quotes).
Your phone will now reboot and should be correctly running Android Marshmallow!