How to fix thermal throttling?

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Nov 15, 2015
I have a Lenovo Y-700-15-ISK laptop,and I am facing with thermal throttling while playing games!It starts to overheat after 2 minutes of playing!
I have found on many sites that this issue can be fixed by removing the dust filter on the air intake,but the laptop' service techs say that the garranty will void,and anyway that with removing the dust filter the laptop will be full of dust for a couple of months,so they will have to clean it every 3 months,and that with the frequent opening and closing ,they could damage the hardware!
I also use a cooling pad but it doesn't help too much!

So what should I do?
To tell them to remove the dust filter,or there is an another safe way to fix the throttling and overheating issue?

Please help me!
Thanks in advance!
Best regards!
Some random tips. Play the games at lower settings. Even though you might have hardware that is able to run games at higher settings, the laptop's form factor will pretty much make thermal throttling unavoidable after an hour or more. Lower settings won't heat up the video card as much/as fast. Play in a cool environment. Try placing the laptop in a tilted position using a stand that gives it better airflow and see if the temps are better than with the cooling pad. If you don't have a gaming desktop, get that instead. It's a night and day difference.

Edit: 2 minutes?! I think something's wrong with your laptop. Even if the vents were covered 100% by dust etc it shouldn't take 2 mins. Unless you're super sampling at 4k or something 🙁
install intel exetme tuning utility software from

open the software and run a 30 minutes stress test and observe the temperatures .
then go to advance settings and lower the core voltage offset step by step , start from -0.050 and run a stress test again ,
you temperatures should be lower now , keep lowering the voltage till stability is maintained in the system ( going lower than -0.125 crashed my system ) ..
cpu,s are usually powered more voltage than they need so lowering it a bit wont affect the performance .
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