How to Host a Party on Spotify

Spotify has some cool features for its users. One of them is that you can host a party. But to do that you have to link your Facebook account with Spotify. It gives you the opportunity to listen music with your friends in real time. Here’s how to host a party on Spotify.
1. Download & install Spotify app in your Desktop
2. Launch & Sign in to Spotify app

3. Link your Facebook account with Spotify if you haven’t already
4. Go to “App Finder” option in the left navigation pane. And search by typing ‘Soundrop’ in the search box.

5. Install it if you haven’t already.

6. Sign in by using your Spotify details with Soundrop. Here you will find some tabs indicated as rooms, which are hosted by others. You can also create your own room & host a party from here.

7. To create a room Click on ‘+New Room’ on the right upper corner to add your own room on Soundrop to host a party.

8. You can invite friends to your room, vote up a track, make comments, add songs to an existing room etc. from here.

That’s it. If you follow the method perfectly you will be able to host a party on Spotify. Not only that you can also add comment, invite more friends, and vote up a song from there. It just like a virtual party!