Question how to open phone photos on the laptop in last taken first to show


Aug 20, 2016
can anyone help me figure out how to get the photos i have on my samsung a51 phone to show them in file explorer in the last taken the first to show? on my older phones this happens i take a photo and then connect the phone to my pc and open the phone in file explorer and then do internal and dcim and then camera and the start showing in the file explorer as the last one taken on the top of the list and in larger icons.

on the a51 phone when i plug that in i get internal then dcim and then camera and then the photos start to show but the oldest are first in the file explorer and tiny icons i have to go into the view and select large icons and then into sort order to get them last taken on top and large icon so i can see them.

this may be in the phone but i have yet to find that setting on the phone so i want to start with the pc and see if i can force the files to be newest ones on top and large icons. i did try that app called LesFerch but that got me large icons but not sort order and then it made all the other thinks in the file explore so tiny i could just about make them out. and the LesFerch guy told me he had no clue
yes i do that every time and it will not stay that way. i even tried the lesferch app and it fails. on all of my older phones i could change that sort order and it would hold but not on the a51 so i wonder if that is an android thing that someone here has worked out.
i do lots of photo documentation for things that i work on.

you would think in win10 when you changed that sort order it would stay that way. i let the phone date the photos and give them a number and the numbers are in order and the date is correct.
i wonder if i can change the photo settings on the a51? i did go to them and tapped the gear and it opened that then closed. but i think i have developer mode set to do not keep activities open so i have to change that for the test but if anyone knows please let me know how to fix it
i do not see anything in the a51 photo settings that lets me change the date and or numbering system so that must be behind the scenes thing.
when i plug the phone to the pc a window opens that i assume is the file explore for the photos? maybe that is another app and i need to use a different setting?
but in this popup the first thing i see when that popup shows is internal storage, then i click that and i get the option for DCIM so i click that and i get an option for camera so i click that and then the photos start to populated that field.

they show up in small icons and the last photo taken is always on the bottom of the list of photos. i have over 500 photos on the phone and when i connect the phone i have to either scroll all the way to the bottom of the screen or go into view and check large icons and then to sort order to check descending or date created to get them to rearrange. and that never stay selected. when i connect the phone again it goes back

anyway you would think that app or if it is file explorer would save the last setting you selected. maybe some one will know if i can go into the settings in win10 to check off boxes that will allow that? it seems win10 can't help out.

i tried that lesferch app and that made the icons larger but then everything else on the pc was tiny and it would not do a sort order. so that app is no good for what i need, but maybe there is an app that will do that?
no i just gave up. it must be some stupid android thing as my older phones do not do this. maybe they will fix it someday. my nokia is even worse that the a51 phone. maybe i will find a phone that does not do this and replace the a51. i take lots of photos for when i fix things for people so i can remember how they go back together or to show them what i found wrong. and then i email those to the people and it is a pain to have to scroll all the way down 5 or 10 pages to get to the last photo or to have to select large icons so i can see them and then the sort order. i sure would like to get win10 to just save those settings when it see's the a51 connected. but the a51 always give me a warning that it is not working when i remove it form the pc. it is a mess. if my old phone had 128gb of memory i would go back to that, it was a good phone, i may just get a sd card and go back to it anyway. thanks