Question trouble getting photos to open


Aug 20, 2016
i have win10 and the a51 phone. everytime i plug in the phone to view any photos i get a folder that pops up with the a51 in the title of that folder. and i get the only option that says internal so i click that and then another st of options and i pick dcim and then camera and then the photo icon start to populate the folder. but they are small icon and they are oldest photos taken first. i tried the win10 guys but they seem to be lost on this one. if i plug the lg aristo into the pc that goes thru the same steps but when i get to the photos it opens them in large icons and newest photos on the top or first.

so i'm starting to think this is a phone setting? all of my older phones opened them the same way large icons and newest first. this a51 does it the opposite way. so does anyone here know if i can change this in the phone or if it is a win10 thing how to do it there?

one thing i forgot when i plug in the a51 i get a notice by the clock on the taskbar that the a51 behaves like a usb device but when i plug in all my older phones i do not get that icon that tells me i have to eject the phone. also if i do not eject the phone i will get a warning triangle that tells me the phone has an issue. just in case that is the reason i'm having issues with how the photos display?



Aug 20, 2016
i have done all of that and it still fails to open in large icons and last photos taken the first to show. and it still want to open small icons and ascending i need defending. i do not see on the phone how to adjust this. i have usb on the phone to file transfer i have tried all of them but file transfer will let me see the phone when i plug it into the pc.

i do not have any of those phone suggestions. on my older phones i do not have to do this. is seems is is an android thing. if i could find an app that would allow this i would deleted the phone app and use the new app but i have not yet found one. thanks