Auto-complete is a useful option that helps you save time while filling out online forms. It uses your history to predict your web browsing and actions. Not everybody wants to use this feature, and it can be disabled in MacBook browsers. You can do that by following these steps.
How to Prevent Auto-Complete in Safari on MacBook?
1. Click on the ‘Safari’ icon
Open Safari and click on the ‘Safari’ icon at the top of the navigational panel. A drop-down list will appear.
2. Open 'Preferences'
Select the ‘Preferences’ option in the drop-down list. The Preferences dialog box will open.
3. Select ‘AutoFill’ tab
Click on the ‘AutoFill’ tab at the top of the dialog box. The ‘AutoFill preference’ window will open.
4. Unselect the 'Checkboxes'
Deselect the checkboxes under the ‘AutoFill’ tab. They include ‘Using info from my contacts’, ‘Usernames and Passwords’, ‘Credit cards’, and ‘Other forms’. After doing this, ‘AutoFill’ will be disabled in Safari.
How to Prevent Auto-Complete in Chrome on MacBook.
1. Click on ‘Chrome’
Open the ‘Chrome’ browser. Click on the ‘Chrome’ button at the top of the navigational panel. A drop-down list will appear.
2. Open 'Preferences'
Select the ‘Preference’ option in the drop-down list. The Chrome ‘Settings’ page will open.
3. Open ‘Advanced’ options
Click on the ‘Show advanced settings’ option in the ‘Settings’ page. The advanced settings will open.
4. Disable 'AutoFill'
Scroll down the screen to reach the ‘Passwords and forms preferences’. Under this section, deselect the check box against the ‘Enable AutoFill’ to fill out web forms in a single click option.
Exit the page. You will have disabled Auto-Complete in your Chrome browser.
You will have disabled auto-complete in your Mac Browsers after following the above steps.