How to Re-calibrate your HTC Vive
These are the required steps you will need to consider:
1. If you decide to go with the room scale option then SteamVR will recommend you to make sure that you have at least the minimum space for you play area. The software will detect the headset and the controllers. If this cannot happen then something is not right and you can't go further.
2. The next thing to do for you is to calibrate the position of your monitor. You will do that by standing in the middle point of your room with a Vive controller in your hands. You will press and hold the trigger, and point at the monitor of your PC.
3. The feature that will keep you safe while entering into VR environment with is called Chapter one. This thing works by setting barriers of the space you play in. You put them manually, because the system has not the power to set them automatically.
• The boundaries of your play area you will set-up with the use of your controller. First press the trigger and then walk around and catch the edges of your play area. For best result try to stay at least a foot away from the boundaries.
• Take into your account the open play area that you intend to access.
• The objects you will trace have to be outside the green zone.
• Provide at least 6.5 x 5 free area to move in.
• Also SteamVR can automatically determine which is the largest space in your room (can be rectangular or square) with the most useful orientation and offer it as a play area. If you are not happy with the suggestion, you can edit the size or the orientation of your play space as you like.

These are the required steps you will need to consider:
1. If you decide to go with the room scale option then SteamVR will recommend you to make sure that you have at least the minimum space for you play area. The software will detect the headset and the controllers. If this cannot happen then something is not right and you can't go further.
2. The next thing to do for you is to calibrate the position of your monitor. You will do that by standing in the middle point of your room with a Vive controller in your hands. You will press and hold the trigger, and point at the monitor of your PC.
3. The feature that will keep you safe while entering into VR environment with is called Chapter one. This thing works by setting barriers of the space you play in. You put them manually, because the system has not the power to set them automatically.
• The boundaries of your play area you will set-up with the use of your controller. First press the trigger and then walk around and catch the edges of your play area. For best result try to stay at least a foot away from the boundaries.
• Take into your account the open play area that you intend to access.
• The objects you will trace have to be outside the green zone.
• Provide at least 6.5 x 5 free area to move in.
• Also SteamVR can automatically determine which is the largest space in your room (can be rectangular or square) with the most useful orientation and offer it as a play area. If you are not happy with the suggestion, you can edit the size or the orientation of your play space as you like.