How to reinstall audio

well.. you could go get one of them driver cleaners such as 'driver sweeper' to remove the rest of it, then find the manufacturers website to grab some drivers and simply reinstall the drivers.

you deleted a file or deleted a registry entry?

because i would think if the registry entry is missing.. the installer will see the file is there and assume it still has its registry entry.
so when the installer finishes, it still wont work.
this is one of the reasons why they say it is best to use a driver cleaner to get rid of it all and start fresh.
confusion like this happens.
sometimes confusion can be had when the operating system gets confused about which registry setting to use.
if there is an old one that has the files deleted, then it wouldnt work.
if the operating system tries each one back and forth, it would give results that arent perfect.

i havent watched the whole process of installing a driver.. but if the installer assumes anything hasnt been deleted, it could cause a problem.
doesnt matter if the registry entry is there, but the file was deleted.
because if the file that was deleted is the same version in the new installer.. maybe the file doesnt get replaced at all and remains missing.

they only do this to save time with how long the installer is up and running.
run the cleaner.. reboot.. run the driver installer (setup file) and reboot again.. it should be working fine.
Double click the speaker icon in the lower right hand of the desktop, this will bring up the mixer, or single click to bring up the volume control.
But in case the volume is missing, corrupted, or the audio is otherwise non-functional:
you check whichever audio was installed:
click start, control panel, add remove programs, look at the list...
which audio software is shown on the list? delete it, restart the computer.

now visit the motherboard manufacturer or computer manufacturer's website
look up your computer drivers by model number
download the latest audio drivers, save on the desktop...
turn the antivirus off,
if you have multiple security programs installed, turn them all off
(your driver may not install if security systems are turned on)
now load your new audio driver, restart, turn the antivirus back on.
Let the forum know if that solves the problem. SGM