The PC/laptop industry doesn't need saving. The logic behind most of this article is flawed and self-serving.
Citing bad examples of poor products as if they epitomize the 'PC Industry' is narrow and ridiculous.
Citing laptops not having touch for Windows 8 as if it is a flaw is ludicrous. Windows 8 was designed with touch for tablets, not laptops or PCs. Why do you think most laptop and PC users just want to keep Windows 7 on their PCs? Why do you think most PC users hate Windows 8? The problem here is with Microsoft and OEMs being so stupid as to think one highly specialized OS & interface fits all. Instead of continuing to offer 7 for PCs and offering 8 for tablets, they just shove everything under 8.
And touch and tablets are both still less productive than a godo laptop or PC. It's cute fun and cool. But the STFU factor comes in the form of the TOP accessories ordered with tablets used in the workplace: A dock, keyboard and mouse. People don't order them because they fear change or want something familiar. They order them because they still work better. And by the time you add these, you have spent as much as you would have on a laptop.
And when comparing cost, how about apples-to-apples? How many tablets come with a usably clocked i5 or i7, large storage, plenty of connections and ports, and large screens...and at what cost? Most use cheap hardware, come with lower clocked mobile CPUs, limited connectivity and storage options, and screens that, while high res, are far too small to be accessible to anyone with less than perfect eyesight.
The trend I see in play with mobile devices has more to do with popularity then practicality or superiority. However the positive caveat comes in the form of improved synergy. People silly enough to buy a tablet because it is cute, cool and the 'in thing' to do probably don't need something as powerful as a PC or laptop anyway. Therefore, we shouldn't even be comparing these seperate classes of equipment because they aren't meant to be equal, or even used by the same types of people.