How to transfer stereo MPEG to multi-channel speaker system?



Archived from groups: (More info?)

Hello. I was hoping someone could help me find a piece of equipment
that would allow me to connect the stereo (RCA) output of a computer to
several speakers. Essentially, I am trying to extend the stereo image
of a video to several meters, which would require more than two
speakers. I can't find a multi-channel system that automatically
transforms "Left and Right" to "Left, Left-center, Center,
Center-right, and Right" (for example). If any of you have any ideas,
please contact me. Thank you for your help!!

Joe Lordi
Archived from groups: (More info?)

I'm not sure of any software but the Dolby Prologic does this in AV
receivers. Creating surround fields from stereo signals.

The best is yet to come

<> wrote in message
> Hello. I was hoping someone could help me find a piece of equipment
> that would allow me to connect the stereo (RCA) output of a computer to
> several speakers. Essentially, I am trying to extend the stereo image
> of a video to several meters, which would require more than two
> speakers. I can't find a multi-channel system that automatically
> transforms "Left and Right" to "Left, Left-center, Center,
> Center-right, and Right" (for example). If any of you have any ideas,
> please contact me. Thank you for your help!!
> Joe Lordi