If you are a blogger or just have a desire to publish one of your podcasts to iTunes, you can do so very easily. Your podcast will need to be saved in a format that is supported by iTunes. Those formats include .m4a, .mp3, .m4v, .mp4, .epub, or.pdf. If the podcast is not in one of these formats, you will need to convert it before uploading to iTunes.
Step 1: The podcast will need to be uploaded to a web server. If you do multiple podcasts, you should have a file with your other podcasts there. If not, create a new file in the web server.
Step 2: Your next step will be to create an RSS feed for your podcast. There are a number of RSS creation services available. You can also create one yourself using a text editor. When finished, the file must be saved with the extension “.rss” before it is submitted to the web server.
Step 3: If you do not already have an iTunes account, you will need to create one. The process is very easy. Open iTunes and click “Create New Account.” Follow the online instructions and create your account.
Step 4: With your iTunes account open, you will go to the iTunes store. At the top of the iTunes store menu, click “Podcasts”. Next, click “Submit a Podcast” from the menu. In the field text, you will paste or type in the web address for the podcast’s RSS feed.
Step 5: The podcast will be reviewed by the iTunes staff. The wait time varies and can take as little as a few hours or as long a week or more. When it is ready, any subscribers you have will be informed that a new podcast is available.

Step 1: The podcast will need to be uploaded to a web server. If you do multiple podcasts, you should have a file with your other podcasts there. If not, create a new file in the web server.
Step 2: Your next step will be to create an RSS feed for your podcast. There are a number of RSS creation services available. You can also create one yourself using a text editor. When finished, the file must be saved with the extension “.rss” before it is submitted to the web server.
Step 3: If you do not already have an iTunes account, you will need to create one. The process is very easy. Open iTunes and click “Create New Account.” Follow the online instructions and create your account.
Step 4: With your iTunes account open, you will go to the iTunes store. At the top of the iTunes store menu, click “Podcasts”. Next, click “Submit a Podcast” from the menu. In the field text, you will paste or type in the web address for the podcast’s RSS feed.
Step 5: The podcast will be reviewed by the iTunes staff. The wait time varies and can take as little as a few hours or as long a week or more. When it is ready, any subscribers you have will be informed that a new podcast is available.