how to view MS Word edit history?

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Apr 22, 2017
So I recently came across this article:

According to this article, not only does Microsoft Word give the option of tracking who made what changes to a document and when ... but it actually does so by default, and the only way to prevent the changes from being seen by anyone else is if you know the edit history is there and manually delete it! This has purportedly been used to reveal military fraud, catch political campaign criminals in their acts, and even prove that corporations had purposefully lied about their product to get more sales ... all because some people didn't know the MS Word records your changes by default and didn't think to manually delete the metadata.

I downloaded MS Word for the first time in forever just to try this out. I'm used to using Apache Open Office. But I wanted to see this edit history in action, so I went ahead and downloaded MS Word.

I've been created my own documents so I could see my own edit history, making sure to save often so I would have plenty of edit histories to view. But no matter how many times I make edits to the document and save it, whenever I use the Document Inspector, this is what I get:


I thought this was supposed to be a default setting!

If you have to turn on the "track changes" feature, how did all these stories i read about where militaries and corrupt political candidates got exposed happen?

"Track changes" is NOT on by default. At least not in Word 2010, 2013, or 2016.
To my knowledge, it has never been the default.

THen obviously there's some other feature that's recording the revision history and getting these cyber criminals caught.

What is it?

But I clearly read about people proving that military reports were fraudulent by downloading copies of those documents off a website. They didn't have access to the original hard drives; they only had copies of the files in question.

"clearly read"....where?
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