Hi there. I'm looking at a local laptop for sale, it's a PC specialist Optimus. Specs are:
i5-3210m Dual core
1gb DDR5 GT 650m
8gb 1330mhz Samsung RAM
1920x1080 screen.
It's £300, and while I was planning on building a desktop, this may be easier as I have no monitor, desk, or broadband which will stretch my budget, and I'm heading off to uni this year.
So my question is, will it game? I'm looking to play DayZ/Arma, Insurgency , BF3/4, source engine games and Skyrim mainly. Anyone got any ideas what settings and frames I'd get? Is it worth buying?
Many thanks
i5-3210m Dual core
1gb DDR5 GT 650m
8gb 1330mhz Samsung RAM
1920x1080 screen.
It's £300, and while I was planning on building a desktop, this may be easier as I have no monitor, desk, or broadband which will stretch my budget, and I'm heading off to uni this year.
So my question is, will it game? I'm looking to play DayZ/Arma, Insurgency , BF3/4, source engine games and Skyrim mainly. Anyone got any ideas what settings and frames I'd get? Is it worth buying?
Many thanks