How wire Laptop inverter on a switch?


Mar 30, 2013
Hi there,
I have a car headlight related project and was planning to use ccfl and inverter to get creative with my modern looking headlights. I got L shaped ccfl and a single
output 9-20v inverter that can power 7"-23" screens now my question is where do I connect my 12v dc to it when it has 4 ports Vin, On, Adj and Gnd. Many thanks for any help.
I would guess Vin and ground, but I would look at the data sheet first(never mess with stuff without looking at its data sheet).

Once you got t hat solved, you just switch the positive wire for on and off. Some of these actually have a spot for a switch(it may be ground to on, but sheet.).

I do not think CFL is quite tough enough for headlight duty(high power LED may be a better option), but I guess you will find out soon.

Cheers for a quick reply

I already retro fitted headlights with dual angel eye HID lens projectors so plenty of light there but I was planning to get L shape ccfl in to make a brow above the angle eye. So for this job it ll be bright enough. Is that 12v ac or dc thou?
I sent an email to the shop I bought inverters from asking for a data sheet as well

Wanted to link inverter via angel eyes inverters. Had to buy laptop one as 900v inverter that came with angel eye ccfl's was only lighting up ends of the L shape laptop ccfl I had. So I guested I needs better inverter.