Archived from groups: comp.sys.laptops (
More info?)
Thanks. I am taking your advice and opting for the HP.
"TV Slug" <> wrote in message
> Atlantica wrote:
>> I am in the market for my first laptop. I have brought it down to
>> the 2 mentioned. Can anyone offer advice on these manufacturers,
>> please, with regards build quality, reliability etc etc.
>> K
> Fujitsu builds their computers well, but other than repair or replacement,
> don't expect much after-purchase support from them. I've rarely seen any
> driver updates from them after the fact, which is a hassle if you want to
> upgrade your OS. BIOS updates should also be provided on occasion, but I
> have *never* seen them. In fact, on one machine that got its BIOS
> overwritten, I tried contacting Fujitsu support TWICE for an original
> image
> to rewrite it, and they never even responded. On top of that, they like
> to
> write limitations into the BIOS to prevent upgrading the machine very
> much,
> especially the CPU.
> HP/Compaq, on the other hand, provide excellent after purchase support.
> You
> can easily find updates on their web site, even for VERY old machines.
> Also, because their machines are much more prevalent, it's easier to find
> accessories and parts.
> Some people may argue that Fujitsu "gets it right the first time" and
> therefore doesn't HAVE to "fix" things with updates. That may be the
> case,
> but I like to believe that there's always something that can be tuned
> better
> and the fact that a manufacturer cares enough to still work with a machine
> after it's been released shows that they are not just moving on to the
> next
> better thing.