Solved! Hp laptop forum drivers


Jan 31, 2009
Hello folks. before I start on a rant about how HP has left me in the lurch, I will throw this out to you folks.....I have a tx1000 tablet, and I have win 7 64 bit running, for the most part pretty well. BUT!!HP says they are not going to support drivers for this model (what 3 years old????) I have some issues with some programs not displaying fully, in other words some of the image on the right side doesn't display. if I expand the window, it just gives me more white, and the test is still chopped off. I searched Nvidia, this has a GO 6150 chip set. and there is a drier that lists the 6150, for the desktop. but it won't install on this book. I hate to give up win 7 at this point, but this book still runs fine, and it bugs me that they won't continue to support this equipment...I was a big supporter of HP, and now I am a little pissed...Thanks for reading, and tj=here are any ideas floating around, I would be happy to hear them.


Jan 31, 2009
I understand that 3 years is a long time,but some people need to get a little more out of their hardware, as may not have $$$$ for a new one....I thank you for your ideas, and input. I will see if I can figure this out....would like to get this working a little better...I wish there were a upgrade path for notebooks, like desktops, but that would not make money for the thanks again :p