HP Laptop, Installing Windows, Blue Screen!

pluke the 2

Aug 31, 2009
Hey guys,

I have done an extensive amount of research.

I have a HP laptop that had Vista pre-installed. I am trying to format it because it has a virus.

I have a windows XP cd for installation and formatting purposes. When loading the CD, it prompts me the "Blue Screen of Death" saying that I need to check for viruses.

In my BIOS, laptop bios, it does not have a screen where I can toggle between HDD IDE or ATA.

Any suggestions? I am simply trying format the whole computer and install XP.


Can you boot from a memory stick or a linux boot-cd? This way you can do some backup, format and then use that XP CD or recovery partition.
I don't have a memory stick nor a linux boot-cd. I don't need to back anything up, I just need some help in Formatting the hard drive that came with Vista on it.

I am having issues formatting it with the XP CD. Hard to explain, but it is like when you got a hard drive that had raid and your trying to format and it gives you a blue screen error saying that you have a virus. Which under the "Normal" circumstances, switching the hard drive from IDE to ATA will fix these circumstances. But in my case, the Laptop doesn't have those options in bios.
No mem stick? My desk is littered with those :) Do you have a blank CD? Try creating a boot CD http://www.ultimatebootcd.com/ or go grab a linux magazine from a store (these CD/DVDs are bootable and i think have tools to wipe the drive clean and re-partition it).