HP Pavillion HDX Entertainment Notebook PC (Penryn)

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Personally, I would go with Sager, typing on one now. I don't think I would go with the 9262 though. I would go with the 5793 since it uses an 8800mGTX, mobile processors and will have longer battery life.

As far as quad core for laptops, no there is no mobile quad chip out yet, but Intel is releasing one soon (don't remember the date, search for my post about it).
to Logan:
Well even if Intel releases QuadCore for laptops, i hardly recommend it because most apps/games arent multi threaded

to matthew:
HP has better built quality IMO but the SAGER one has better Specs
8800M GTX is better than 8800M GTS but the difference isnt very much

If u need SLI, then go for NP9262 if u dont need SLI and need something that its battery can last long and also produces less heat go for NP5793 or HP HDX

Sager NP5739 is same as HDX but it has 8800M GTX and its 17"

I mysel like HDX alot because it has a solid design but as i said NP5793 looks very good and has a very good price

As for the Quad, that is very true and add on the $1K price tag of the CPU, it's just not an appealing option IMO.

As for build quality, Ive noticed some things. Being in a college dorm environment, I get to mess around with all sorts of my friends laptops. Being able to compare my Sager to all sorts of Dells, HPs, and Acers, I think the Clevo/Sager has some of the best build quality. Don't get me wrong, Dell and HP aren't slacking in that department, but I have yet to find a flaw with my laptop.

These types of choices are always tough, because you end up with so many people with different opinions and experiences. It's not an easy choice and it's one I debated about for at least 6 months before I made my decision.
Yeah I'd say the Clevo vs HP quality wise will be a personal preference, I depfinitely would take HP's customer service over Sager's not that their is bad or anything.

For me the thing I noticed/liked the most in the HP build quality was the lack of keyboard flex, which is something some laptops experience mmore than others. My old Gateway was rocksolid, just like the old smaller thinkpads I had, the Fujitsu now is a little spongier, so it annoys me, and that's the way I feel about most Clevos vs the current batch of HP. Nothing major, but a foible that bugs me particularly.

But overall both are top notch IMO, and not cheap, so you should get pretty close to the same quality, and just need to ensure the parts match your needs.

Personally I want a quad core, but then again I usually have a bunch of things going at once, and the apps that I need the most power for are usually multi-core aware, like 3Danimation, photo/video editing apps and modern games which while not as aware now will only become more and more so, especially with intel buying the likes of Havoc IMO.
first what is sli.......This is a big big choise and I have not decided what to do.........I have been going around to forums like this........now there is a big rumor that the quad core is not at its best so far........I REALLY need to make this choise.......I have to have one right after summer.......now what I want my laptop top to have is extreme gaming, super fast, mobility (dont care about weight very much I am strong) , Good battery life time (til have to charge) , good suport and warenty (sorry bad spelling) , going to last a LONG LONG LONG LONG TIME..........and last 17" or higher....and LAST, no more then $6000.......and also have to have payments...........NOW I AM DONE.
SLI means Scalable Link Interface. SLI uses 2 graphics cards simultaneously to boost performance depending on the game. IMO, SLI is a bit of a waste. It is expensive, doesn't return double the performance for nearly double the price, and it kills your battery life.

IMO, get the best single card system that you can get. Right now, that happens to be the Sager NP5793 (decent support w/ 3 year warranty FYI)

Ok, so if you don't need it unti right after summer, then wait a short time. The new intel Montevina platform comes out in just over a month, with it comes support for faster memory, faster CPUs (plus current CPUs), fast interconnects, all around entire platform boost (google montevina for details);

(if that direct link does work, follow this one: http://www.intel.com/products/roadmap/laptop.htm )

now what I want my laptop top to have is extreme gaming, super fast, mobility (dont care about weight very much I am strong) , Good battery life time (til have to charge) , good suport and warenty (sorry bad spelling) , going to last a LONG LONG LONG LONG TIME..........and last 17" or higher....and LAST, no more then $6000.......and also have to have payments...........NOW I AM DONE.

Only problem with the above request is the balance between performance and battery.
If you want long battery life and gaming or any other stessful apps, then battery life will fall through the floor, even with an SSD or other things battery life will get sucked up by a CPU and GPU running under heavy load.

Best bet would be to get the powerful laptop, and then a secondary external polymer battery IMO, it gives you the life of about 2-3 batteries, but doesn't really bog you down too much, and easier to manage than 2 extra batteries, etc.

IMO, wait for Montevina, and still stick with dual core (unless you KNOW your app will benifit noticably from Quad support), do NOT get a desktop quad though only a mobile 45nm Quad should be even considered, and even then IMO, go with a better dual core than quad, unless specific need. Also by that time we should see some new option in graphics as well, and if the rumours of an RV7xx based solution are correct, then that would be nice. Even a revamped shrunk GF8800M would be nice for your need of power and performance.

Anywhoo, unless you need to buy in the next coupla weeks, wait for the Montevina's launch.
alright what is a external polymer battery and where could I get one for a mostly going to buy HP HDX????? also the new intel will not be on a laptop....or will it..............plus only REALLY new laptops are going to support that.........now would you say to get (if there is a choise) (will this drain my battery more) a intel Montevina's or a 2.8 ghz EXTREME INTEL......thank you for helping me on this stuff...... 🙂
one more thing I want to know should I get a 2.5ghz core 2 duo or pay an extra $650 to upgrade to a 2.8ghz core 2 extreme.......would it really upgrade my laptop or will it REALLY DRAIN MY BATTERY LIFE TIME (time til power drained)
Alright now I have goten the sager out of my head.....now I have to chose between the the Dell xps 1730 and the hp hdx......dell is know to have the best gaming laptops!!! so what should I do???