OK you kind of lost me here, let me see if I understand. You are asking if you have to use/download/install the apps that HTC puts, or allows to be put, on the phone?
Well, if they weren't already on the phone, then there is no reason you "have to" put them on the phone. Anything required is usually already on the device. Only updates, to the OS or specific apps, should be what is required for downloading. And even then, you don't always actually "have to" install updates. I personally hate the updates to Google Play Music, so I refuse install them. The original app still works fine.
Now, if you are wanting to remove apps that came with your phone, that is a whole other can of worms. "Most" apps that are pre-installed on the device are not removable. I wish they were. There are some that are major annoyances, but they are ones you just can't remove.