I have a 55 inch Samsung Smart TV and there are black squares all over the screen.


May 19, 2016
It started when I used the remote to turn volume up. The dashes that represent volume turned to little black boxes. Then when I used the smart hub to switch over to Netflix the entire screen had small black boxes everywhere. Any help would be greatly apprecated. Thank you.
edited by ffg7
Could not see the picture - link failed. Appears to be pixelation per your description.

Anyway, if direct TV is okay and only internet services have the problem I would suspect interference or perhaps some bandwidth problem while online or within your network.

Wired or wireless?

Turn off other devices if that is possible and practical. At least do so for testing purposes. Test several times as other factors; e.g., weather, prime viewing times, etc. may be contrbuting factors.

Swap out ethernet cables for other known working cables if wired. Try temporarily relocating wireless components to see if the associated signals can be improved.

Check all of your network connections and give your ISP a call to test your lines and...
Thank you so much for your reply. Direct TV works fine. It is only when I switch over to Netflix, Amazon (Smart Hub). I unplugged the TV today for five hours and it still was going on. It is very strange. Did the picture show up from my last post? If not, I can email you the picture. Thanks again for your help.

Could not see the picture - link failed. Appears to be pixelation per your description.

Anyway, if direct TV is okay and only internet services have the problem I would suspect interference or perhaps some bandwidth problem while online or within your network.

Wired or wireless?

Turn off other devices if that is possible and practical. At least do so for testing purposes. Test several times as other factors; e.g., weather, prime viewing times, etc. may be contrbuting factors.

Swap out ethernet cables for other known working cables if wired. Try temporarily relocating wireless components to see if the associated signals can be improved.

Check all of your network connections and give your ISP a call to test your lines and associated devices: modem, router, whatever you may have.


Did you find a fix for this? Having same problem.

Did you ever find a solution? I've got a similar problem on a 55" LG LED TV.

Did you ever find an answer? I am having the same issue on a Sharp Aquos 60”.