Solved! I have an LG oled tv optical audio to my vsx-90. I want to split the audo fiber so when I turn on wireless headphones my vsx90


Jan 16, 2017
I have an LG OLED55B6P connecting audio optical to my Pioneer vsx-90. I want to add a splitter to the audo fiber so when I turn on wireless headphones the vsx90 surround sound mutes. I do not know a good way to accomplish this.
Thank You,
The headphones won't mute the audio from the receiver when you turn them on. The optical audio would have to go through the headphones for them to affect the receiver and it can't.
You would just turn off the receiver when you want to use the headphones.
I would purchase an optical splitter (one fiber input, two fiber outputs) to insert in the fiber coming from my oled55BP audio out. Then one of the splitter outputs would continue to my pioneer vsx90 audio input, and the other splitter fiber out would continue to my Sennheiser HDR175 wireless headphones audio input.

Supposedly these headphones will only mute the origination sound when using the optical connection. I still don't believe they will mute the sound through the splitter. Does this answer your inquiry?
Thank You Granmaster - the current wiring is FIOS DVR->HDMI->vsx90->HDMI->oled55bp(TV)->optical audio ->vsx90. Therefore, I cannot power off the vsx90. So how about a optical switch 1 in two out (one out to vsx90, the other to headphones)? With this, I could switch to headphones before power on the rest of the equipment. There is always a delay when vsx90 comes on, before I can mute or lower volume, so this would assure quiet when I turn on equipment (optical switch already set to headphones output). Does this sound like my best "logical" option?
I have not been able to find an audio optical switch with 1 input 2 outputs or 1x3 either.... so although my previous post makes sense to me, I don't believe the hardware is available.
Ok, so I just found J-Tech Digital Premium Quality SPDIF TOSLINK Digital Optical Audio 4x2 Matrix (Four Inputs Two Outputs) to consider. I could use optical out from tv as input and 2 outputs 1 to receiver and 1 to headphones.... but $36 bucks and a prayer

I have the same problem. We tried an optical splitter to receiver and one for wireless headset. No sound from headset. LG said it can't be done. When we plug optical directly into back of TV the sound goes to the headset but then no sound from the TV. Good for my husband who is close to deaf but not for me as I won't be able to hear any sound. These new smart TV's are not smart. We cut the cords so we don't have a cable box to run the surround sound through. If you find a solution, I would love to know. I am waiting on a call back from tech support at LG. Will post if any good solutions.