Question I replaced the PCB on my Seagate St33000651AS. The hard drive powers on, but the computer is having trouble recognizing the drive.


Mar 20, 2016
The PCB was bad (the HD never spun up) on my Seagate St33000651AS. Therefore, I bought a replacement board so I can recover the data on the drive.

When I swapped the board, the hard drive powers on, spins up, and starts clicking. Windows 10 makes the "something is connected" sound but the following happens:

  1. My Computer does not show that anything is connected.
  2. Disk Management, shows (Removable D: No Media)
  3. Under Device Manager, Disk Drive shows (Generic MassStorageClass USB Device)
  4. Also under Device Manager Portable Devices show (D:\)
I was wondering if there was a good way to get my data off of this Hard Drive?