I think my Laptop is underperforming


Apr 30, 2016
My laptop is Dell Inspiron 14 5447
the Gpu is AMD R7 M260 2GB
CPU is intel core i7-4510 @ 2.00 ghz

and when i play dota (graphic is low), the fps didnt even reach 60, i usually get around 30 fps, and sometimes 10-20. and i tried to play tree of savior and the fps is around 15-20, reaches 30 when theres only a small amount of players in the map. Played stardew valley and i also didnt get stable 60 fps. so sometimes when i play i get 30 fps and then it jumps to 60 and back to 30 fps. Also tried Dark souls 3(Low Graphic), fps counter only reaches 7-10+.

is my laptop underperforming? and how can i fix this?

If my laptop is underperforming, i even did a virus scan, and i didnt found any virus/malware.
OK your laptop is overheating, the turbo activates when temperature is low enough for it to run.

Your processor has 2 cores (and hyper threading that is why it shows up as 4 cores) and its turbo boost is 8/10.

This means when running all 2 cores (most videogames) it will turbo up 0.8 Ghz more than base clock when needed (2.8ghz x2 cores).

When running a single core application it will run at 1.1 ghz more than base clock when needed (3.1 ghz x1 core)

What to do?

You could just follow this simple tutorial to remove the cooling fan of your laptop and remove all of the dust and particles that accumulate on the fin array (your can use canned air for this) and clean the fan.

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Xx-hbkuWrOk. (I suppose...

i always end background processes before i play my games such as browser, antivirus. i also use razer cortex app, and once i used the close explorer.exe. it only helped me raise around 5 fps. but still, i think that my laptop could do better.
Weird, I cant really determine what happens. You could try some of the things shown here: https://www.reddit.com/r/DotA2/comments/3kricg/guide_possible_fixes_for_dota2_fps_problems/

It could still be malware, maybe a hidden process. BTW that laptop doesn't really have good reviews, but I see none to be related with this.
i think so too, oh well. i've been thinking maybe i should format my laptop and see if theres any changes to the laptop performance, but im just too lazy to do it.
anyway, thanks a lot for the help bro 😉
Wait, have you seen the temps? I totally forgot to ask this. my friend's Dv6 for example had the heatsinks fins covered with dust that didnt let air cool the damm thing, the cpu was downclocking to 1.4ghz from it 2.6ghz 4core turbo. And the GPU too.
Try https://www.techpowerup.com/realtemp/

Run a game or a stress test, preferably on a small window on the side, and watch the temps and clock speeds.

CPU should run at 2.8 Ghz with dual core tubo active, or somewhere in between that or 2.0 if too hot for turbo boost.

If the CPU reaches 95C+ it will go under 2.0Ghz, probably produccing stuttering.
hey sorry for the late reply, just got back home.
how do i activate the dual core tubo thing?
and yeah, i tried the techpowerup app and then i run dota 2
the maximum temp is 92 C and the clock speed is about 1995.38 MHz when the temp hits 90C
the clock speed then goes up to 2070-2135 MHz when the temp hits 60C *not in-game*
OK your laptop is overheating, the turbo activates when temperature is low enough for it to run.

Your processor has 2 cores (and hyper threading that is why it shows up as 4 cores) and its turbo boost is 8/10.

This means when running all 2 cores (most videogames) it will turbo up 0.8 Ghz more than base clock when needed (2.8ghz x2 cores).

When running a single core application it will run at 1.1 ghz more than base clock when needed (3.1 ghz x1 core)

What to do?

You could just follow this simple tutorial to remove the cooling fan of your laptop and remove all of the dust and particles that accumulate on the fin array (your can use canned air for this) and clean the fan.

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Xx-hbkuWrOk. (I suppose this is your laptop)

If your want to you can also replace thermal paste on your CPU and GPU, but that is a bit more complicated.

Edit: Very similar video but this is the actual model of your laptop: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cjE9NfGdUPc