a tiny LG 415PP has been the solution to a dozen damaged phones. Last phone ATT wouldnt warrant due to submersion. I happen to sweat a lot and argued until I was blue in the face and asked to leave. So i go to wal mart. Forget all the bells an whistles , this tiny phone does what I need which isn't much with one problem. I keep loosing it. 4, 5 may more times ask my girlfriend how many times I have misplaced the phone. OKay this time its been missing a nearly a week. Why cant I get the same phone and load all the same stuff. The "myverizon" page looks fairly accurate. All or most texts seem to be there. I downloaded track my phone app, but it doesn't like my S/N P/W. I remember selecting highest rated reviewed at the time click install. I dont remember any additional prompts. go to thier website to locate phone , well I guess it has to be on. battery died for sure. I know its only going to show this house as a location. I am working in the house I am living in - sort of a flip this house deal. anyways i digress. SO having several of these tiny LG phones that I am fond of with the same number, whats the big deal. Its like $40 I bet I have spent $400 of my time looking for it. IF any of you believe in this stuff, I am a real example of someone who cant wear electronic stuff it quits working. waaaaay back in the 90's boss didn't believe my stories about "i dont know why i didn t get [page" or "my pager went dead again. First smart phones, all died. I don't carry the little LG except in a cigarette pack in my shirt pocket. Im on my what will be my 3rd. phone of this model which I like the best from every thing . sO AFTER ALLL THAT . i WANT THREE PHONES SAME MODEL, SAME NUMBER. 2 OF THEM WILL GO SOMEWHERE WHEN i MISPLACE THE PRIMARY, iM SURE THE MISSING ONE NOW WILL TURN UP. AT A WEEK I HAVE A LOT OF ANGRY PEOPLE AT ME. /CAP LOCK