I want to pullthe trigger on a gaming laptop but...


Nov 18, 2011
I have been doing some life consuming research in this area over the last 3 weeks. This is a big purchase for me and I want to make sure that I am not shafting myself because of ignorance.

So I have narrowed my choice down to three laptops. They all meet my needs (I think) of gaming with high level specs for about 2 years. They are just within my budget. Tiny bit of wiggle room maybe for some small upgrades. I simply dont have detailed enough knowledge to pick one over the other.

Is there anything glaring that I have missed where one stands out above the rest?....please enlighten me. And if anyone knows of a similar laptop that is a winner please let me know.

Ok here are our finalists:




I appreciate anyone who takes the time to help me in my dilemma.

In term of mobile graphics, I think it goes something like GTX 560M > Radeon HD 5870 > GTX 460M. The GTX 560M has 1920 x 1080 resolution while the Radeon HD 5870 has 1600x900 which makes everything small..

nVIDIA has slightly better driver support, CUDA, and PhysX. In my opinion, PhysX is not that important but it's up to you. Just decide if a slightly better graphics, 1920x1080p, 2gb ram, and usb 3.0 is worth the $150 increase :) [I would pull the trigger and spend $150 more lol xD]
as it stands right now, I would go with your third option it seems to have the most recent parts of the three. But before that, what kind of gaming are you planning on doing?

BF3 games? Wow?
In term of mobile graphics, I think it goes something like GTX 560M > Radeon HD 5870 > GTX 460M. The GTX 560M has 1920 x 1080 resolution while the Radeon HD 5870 has 1600x900 which makes everything small..

nVIDIA has slightly better driver support, CUDA, and PhysX. In my opinion, PhysX is not that important but it's up to you. Just decide if a slightly better graphics, 1920x1080p, 2gb ram, and usb 3.0 is worth the $150 increase :) [I would pull the trigger and spend $150 more lol xD]

I am completely new to PC gaming so I will be catching up on what i ve missed. As well as that probably games in the realm of skyrim and probably a new FPS like MW3 or BF3

Thanks for the help by the way.
the 560m is a good choice for your budget and should make it possible for you to play anything that strikes your fancy for awhile. Just remember that laptops are not as easy to upgrade as a Desktop and thus will have a shorter life expectancy. and 8 gigs of ram should be more than enough and your i7-2630 while not the newest core has 2 GHz so you should be good to go. Overall it is a great and solid choice for <$1000
I too am looking at the exact same laptops as you as I'm getting a laptop for the first time. And like people here have said, the 3rd option is prob the best and the one I keep coming back to as it seems to be the best overall deal out there right now. But be aware that the GTX560M is the weaker one as its bus speeds are 128 bit vs 192 bit. But it still seems to perform pretty decently.