Solved! I just did a fresh Windows 10 install on my Asus k55a laptop but now I'm getting a ton of pop up window messages?

Jul 21, 2019
Hello. So today I spent hours trying to get my laptop a fresh start on windows since Windows update just didn't want to download updates. I didn't use my laptop for over a year but I thought it would be nice to get my old laptop up and running again. So I used my Windows 10 usb to get a fresh install using the Windows 8 system options. I just finished installing everything and when I logged in for the first time a series of pop ups came up that all start the same from Asus products.

'g_pAsWMI_NotOpen' and then a bunch of other stuff. And then some I guess default asus program it installed during setup gave me a pop up saying my laptop cpu was 5822893753.4 degrees Celsius(for the record it didn't say exactly that but it still was some ridiculous number this long) with the temperature icon. I felt the bottom of my laptop and it was indeed pretty hot. I guess there is the possibility its from it running the windows stuff for about 6 hours while on a fabric chair might contribute.

Does anyone know what might be causing all this? Was it a mistake updating from Windows 8 to Windows 10 on my older laptop? I have a spare harddrive too so might try swapping it out if this continues to have issues. I'd like to use my old laptop as a spare option when I travel but I don't know if its worth the effort since I already wasted so much time trying to fix it. Thanks! I did try doing a system refresh with the existing Windows 8 version before I did it from usb to windows 10 but Windows update still refused to download.
Some call it thermal paste, others thermal grease. You can read about it here...

Alas, if you aren't used to doing work internally on a computer, then you may want to consider taking it to a local tech (or some come out to the home) and see what they would charge to clean it out inside and change the thermal paste to see if that will resolve it.
It could be a few things, but that amount of time on and running updates while on the chair you mentioned would not have been good for it. On top of that you said it is an older computer, so I have to ask when was the last time you opened it up and cleaned out all the dust and debris? Replaced the thermal paste? Etc. If none of these have been done, then it is about time. Doing all this may well resolve your problem. Plus no more running it in an environment where it can't get good air flow.
It could be a few things, but that amount of time on and running updates while on the chair you mentioned would not have been good for it. On top of that you said it is an older computer, so I have to ask when was the last time you opened it up and cleaned out all the dust and debris? Replaced the thermal paste? Etc. If none of these have been done, then it is about time. Doing all this may well resolve your problem. Plus no more running it in an environment where it can't get good air flow.
It sat for about just over a year unused and its pretty dusty inside to be honest. I've never actually cleaned a laptop before. My other laptop suffers overheating too recently. My house is very dusty and I have dust allergies so been trying to keep things dusted lately. What is thermal pasting? Thats a term I've never heard of before. I managed to resolve the popup issues by uninstalling bloatware that came with it from ASUS. Often times it'll say 100% cpu usage but then settle down after awhile. I remember having that issue years ago but resolved it somehow I cant remember how though. I'll get a can of compressed air if I can't find one laying around still to dust my laptops.

Thanks for the response.