Solved! I7-720QM + 230M v P7550 + 4650 - HP

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Apr 15, 2007
Hello All,

Been doing some research and I think im going to go with a new 15.6" HP Notebook. After messing around with their online config, ive come up with 2 systems who have comparable specs with the only differences being the cpu and gpu. Which combo between the i7-720QM + 230M and the P7550 + 4650 would be better? I plan on doing some minor gaming with this machine but when I do, it would be with current games(MW2, Batman Arkham, etc) as well as watching movies and surfing the internet. I dont need the gaming to be super high settings everything, I have my desktop for that but want to be able to do gaming on medium settings. The other biggy for me would be watching movies and using the HDMI output to watch them on our 52" and 40" HDTV with that "true HD" pop in the picture.

Based on these, would I be better off with the quad core but slightly lessor gpu, or dual core but better gpu?

Thanks for your help!

Its true that DDR3 is a tad faster and more energy efficient, but for the price with that gpu, that's not a bad deal at all.

Thanks. That was part of why I was considering the i7, figure the faster fsb can better take advantage of the DDR3 than the core 2. I had read somewhere that the 1066 fsb didn't fully opitimize the DDR3, whereas the i7 could.
Thanks. I had checked out that asus model also, however it was a bit out of my price range. Although it would be nice, I dont need the 260m. Would rather get a better cpu and DDR3 ram with the slightly lesser(unless you think theres a significant difference between the 260m and 4650/230m) gpu.

Originally, I had been hoping to spend closer to 800, however after looking into the notebooks and seeing what was in that range, I expanded it to 1k. Not sure I would be able to justify going over that range for the amount ill end up using the notebook and what ill be using it for.
im in about the same boat as you. as far as i could figure, the sweet spot for GPU in terms of ability versus power consumption was the GTS 250m for nvidia and who knows what for ATI. unfortunately, I cant seem to find anything reasonable with the 250m.
Well then I would suggest you go with what pepperman said in one of his earlier posts and buy a prebuilt gaming laptop. The only thing is be careful who you buy from, and always check with their return policy before buying.

For the GPUs this is how it goes 230 = weakest 4650 =middle 260 = strongest of the three.
There is a fair difference between the three gpu's (260m, 4650, 230m). I still recommend the 4650 + core 2 vs. the core i7 + 230m, but the you might want to consider the cheaper asus model; since you want to game, the 260m will give you the best performance despite the slightly slower cpu.

Great, thanks for all of your help tonight.

Regarding the 230 v 4650, is it a significant difference(high vs medium on current games, 5-10 fps on similar settings, etc)?

Thats part of where my problem lies. I want to be able to game, however that wont be the main focus of this machine for me. I have my desktop for my gaming needs, however I want something where if I want to do some gaming it would be with the current games and I dont want something that will give poor output. I guess I need to just decide what it is exactly I want out of this machine and where im willing to make some sacrifices.
Lenevo is decent, but it usually costs a bit extra; Acer is good on the low-end, I don't know much about their high-end stuff, though.
You want to stay away from Gateway and Compaq, unless you're on a really low budget; their quality and customer service are terrible in my experience.
ibuypower and cyberpowerpc are 2 big prebuilt gaming companies they sell their stuff at a lot of stores like Costco and Newegg and they have their own online stores, but I personally have never done any business with either of them so I would recommend looking online for more info on them. Oh btw BBB (better business bureau) gave both companies B-, hope this helps.

Personally, I would go with the ASUS $1000; the cpu is still powerful enough for gaming and day-to-day tasks (its only .13 GHz slower than the HP core 2), and the gpu one of the best mobile gpu's on the market. You should be able to play new games for quite a while with that one.
I agree with pepperman the asus should do for your everyday tasks and gaming tasks as well. Heres one suggestion keep the desktop for gaming needs and use the laptop for everything else, thats what I do. I use my desktop to play the games I want and I use my laptop just for schoolwork.
Hmmm yes I am also very confused. I am only afraid that in a few years technology on desktops and laptops will make the switch to i5 and i7, therefore making the P8700, P7550 etc. outdated. I am also looking at that very same asus but there is anohter laptop I am also looking at and that would be this one:

the only thing is this has a 5400rpm vs ASUS 7200rpm dont know if that will make much of a diff, but hard drives can be upgraded no prob....this also has a p8700.

Im not sure if that gateway has LED, or backlit keyboard..what do you guys think?

Agian it depends on your needs...I agree with VistaVendetta if you have a gaming desktop there is not much need to have a gaming laptop, unless ur too lazy to take the desktop to lan partys etc. IMO, if you wanna use it for school work etc. get the i7, but the P7550 + 4650 is stronger in gaming performance, but may not be worth it in the long run. Its the one think i hate about technology it just upgrades too fast lol.