if lenovo laptop's ic and cpu problem arise is it possible to repair it without changing motherboard

Mar 27, 2018
suddenly my lenovo laptop is nt working..actually its nt power up...and service center engineer told me that there is ic problem.may be cpu problem also there....so it is repairabl or not..
Most laptops made after the Core 2 era have the CPU soldered onto the motherboard, so replacing a CPU generally means replacing the motherboard. And the CPU is an IC as well, a very large scale IC.
Most laptops made after the Core 2 era have the CPU soldered onto the motherboard, so replacing a CPU generally means replacing the motherboard. And the CPU is an IC as well, a very large scale IC.
Laptop model number? How its not working? Do you get error flashes or beeps?
Have you email from him or on paper what exactly is the problem he thinks.... i bet its not CPU. He said "ic problem" anything exact?
Can you see something component burned on motherboard or liquid damage