I'm ditching Android for the iPhone — and it's all because of this one thing

I definitely feel your pain... Google messages has now built in an algorithm to put the emojis instead of restating everything but that doesn't help the breaking of the green text string that iPhone users loathe.

If iPhones could get a clipboard and the ability to schedule texts in the future, I think I'd make the jump too. Has anyone figured out how to do/an app to do that on an iphone?
FOMO is not a reason for people to kick things to the curb that are working well, and that goes for more than just technology in one's life.
Thanks for posting this click bait article of garbage.
Weird that this is such an issue. AFAIK, in Europe ppl don't use built in messaging at all. Most use whatsapp. But then, if you'd want to leave whatsapp because of meta, you would definitely isolate yourself.
I refuse allegiance to any company, but Apple just does it better.
As far as that evil empire, I would say Google is more nefarious than Apple given their track records. Google sleeps with law enforcement, a dealbreaker for me.
Apple offers better security and better privacy.
Features are great for the kids to flash n brag, but Google is watching them, and admittedly and unabashedly selling them out.

All that may be, but this ad is poorly disguised as an article.

Here’s a trick—
Settings>accessibility> Display and text size >increase contrast
Kill the lime and cyan with kelly and royal.