Image Resizing



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I am looking for a piece of software that will do the following:

Resize a bunch of jpg files so that their largest edge is 1024. I have a
number of photos from a number of cameras. some were taken on a 4MP
camera, some on a 5MP camera. Some photos are horizontal, some are

I want to resize them all so that they are either 1024x768 or 768x1024.
The main reason I want to do this is to make the files smaller so that I
can upload them to a website.

I have looked at a number of programs (most of them found searching for
image resizers on google groups), but can't find any that offer better
than a percentage or fixed resizing.
Also important is to reduce the file size as much as possible, without
losing too much image quality, but some of the ones I have looked at don't
seem to optimize the jpeg too well when re-saving.

Any suggestions appreciated!



PS. If I have to, I will sort out the 4MP/5MP/horizontal/vertical, but I
am still after recommendations for a resizer that will give small file
sizes :)
Archived from groups:,alt.comp.freeware (More info?)

Thumbs Plus does it easily, but I'm not sure if the trial version will
do it ( IrfanView (freeware) can also do it if you
look around a bit and use the batch conversion function and press a few
buttons to get to advanced options.

There are probably many others, but they are the two I use..
Archived from groups:,alt.comp.freeware (More info?)

On Tue, 10 May 2005 10:07:25 +0100, Ben Holness wrote:

> I am looking for a piece of software that will do the following:
> Resize a bunch of jpg files so that their largest edge is 1024. I have a
> number of photos from a number of cameras. some were taken on a 4MP
> camera, some on a 5MP camera. Some photos are horizontal, some are
> vertical.
> I want to resize them all so that they are either 1024x768 or 768x1024.
> The main reason I want to do this is to make the files smaller so that I
> can upload them to a website.
> Any suggestions appreciated!

JpegSizer will do all this. It will do vertical and horizontal images in
the same pass, and give you tight control over both pixel dimensions and
final file size. It also has options to copy the EXIF data across and to
add a caption or watermark to each image.

For web pages, JpegSizer will generate thumbs and full-size images in the
same pass, and will even generate the HTML wrappers at the same time.


Archived from groups:,alt.comp.freeware (More info?)

IrfanView (3.95) *can* do it, in one pass - you just have to look..
Under Set Advanced Options in the batch conversion process, look at the
resize function - it has a 'Set Long Side..' option. I haven't used
it, but I presume it does what it says!
Archived from groups:,alt.comp.freeware (More info?)

"Ben Holness" <> wrote:

>I am looking for a piece of software that will do the following:
>Resize a bunch of jpg files so that their largest edge is 1024. I have a
>number of photos from a number of cameras. some were taken on a 4MP
>camera, some on a 5MP camera. Some photos are horizontal, some are
>I want to resize them all so that they are either 1024x768 or 768x1024.
>The main reason I want to do this is to make the files smaller so that I
>can upload them to a website.

I used to use Easy Thumbnails for that. It is great, because it lets
you sharpen or change other quality attributes of the thumbnails
(which can be any size) automatically. Google for it.


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Archived from groups:,alt.comp.freeware (More info?)

"Ben Holness" <> wrote in message
> Hi,
> I am looking for a piece of software that will do the following:
> Resize a bunch of jpg files so that their largest edge is 1024. I have a
> number of photos from a number of cameras. some were taken on a 4MP
> camera, some on a 5MP camera. Some photos are horizontal, some are
> vertical.
> I want to resize them all so that they are either 1024x768 or 768x1024.
> The main reason I want to do this is to make the files smaller so that I
> can upload them to a website.
> I have looked at a number of programs (most of them found searching for
> image resizers on google groups), but can't find any that offer better
> than a percentage or fixed resizing.
> Also important is to reduce the file size as much as possible, without
> losing too much image quality, but some of the ones I have looked at don't
> seem to optimize the jpeg too well when re-saving.
> Any suggestions appreciated!
> Cheers,
> Ben
> PS. If I have to, I will sort out the 4MP/5MP/horizontal/vertical, but I
> am still after recommendations for a resizer that will give small file
> sizes :)

Many people forget that Windows XP will do this singly or in batch for jpeg
files. Use file manager (Explorer), highlight the files you want to
downsize, right-hand click, use "send to - email recipient", click on
"options", select file size. Assuming you have a default email program set
up, a new email message will pop-up after the conversion process is
complete, with the reduced-size jpegs as file attachments. You can just
send those as email, or save the attachments wherever.

This may seem timeconsuming, but actually is quick since you don't have to
load alternative program and set the options. Depends on how often you have
to do it.
Archived from groups:,alt.comp.freeware (More info?) wrote:

> IrfanView (3.95) *can* do it, in one pass - you just have to look..
> Under Set Advanced Options in the batch conversion process, look at the
> resize function - it has a 'Set Long Side..' option. I haven't used
> it, but I presume it does what it says!

Irfan works great. St size to 1024x1024. There's a bit of a learning
curve but it's super slick once you get the hang of it.

click a pick

type "B" for batch

add all

use this folder for output (create a subfolder)

set jpeg quality in file save options

advanced button

save & load settings for main & thumbnails for consistency

brighten a bit (reductions tend to darken


nothing is faster

Paul Furman
san francisco native plants
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2005-05-10, Ben Holness wrote:
> Hi,
> I am looking for a piece of software that will do the following:
> Resize a bunch of jpg files so that their largest edge is 1024. I have a
> number of photos from a number of cameras. some were taken on a 4MP
> camera, some on a 5MP camera. Some photos are horizontal, some are
> vertical.

Which OS? The program "mogrify" (part of ImageMagick) can do this. I use
it under Linux to resize pictures like that (largest edge a certain

Archived from groups:,alt.comp.freeware (More info?)

Ben Holness wrote:
> Hi,
> I am looking for a piece of software that will do the following:
> Resize a bunch of jpg files so that their largest edge is 1024. I
> have a number of photos from a number of cameras. some were taken on
> a 4MP camera, some on a 5MP camera. Some photos are horizontal, some
> are vertical.
> I want to resize them all so that they are either 1024x768 or
> 768x1024. The main reason I want to do this is to make the files
> smaller so that I can upload them to a website.
> I have looked at a number of programs (most of them found searching
> for image resizers on google groups), but can't find any that offer
> better than a percentage or fixed resizing.
> Also important is to reduce the file size as much as possible, without
> losing too much image quality, but some of the ones I have looked at
> don't seem to optimize the jpeg too well when re-saving.
> Any suggestions appreciated!
> Cheers,
> Ben
> PS. If I have to, I will sort out the 4MP/5MP/horizontal/vertical,
> but I am still after recommendations for a resizer that will give
> small file sizes :)

Irfanview is a good one. I quite like this one too
I think 1024x768 is a bit too big for web pages and your images would take
up a whole page with the possible addition of scrollbars which may aggravate
many people. Unless they have to be that size for screen wallpapers or for
a photographic website you really would be better off making them alot
smaller than that.
Archived from groups:,alt.comp.freeware (More info?)


I would remember to resize copies not the originals...!

Also: If you need the EXIF-information embedded into the image-files check
if the resizing-tool you are going to use keeps the EXIF-data intact.


"dim" <> wrote in message
> xnview
Archived from groups:,alt.comp.freeware (More info?)

On 10 May 2005 02:31:41 -0700, wrote:

>IrfanView (freeware) can also do it if you
>look around a bit and use the batch conversion function and press a few
>buttons to get to advanced options.

I don't think IrfanView can do it, but an easy workaround would
be to quickly separate the portrait from the landscape pictures
by hand (easy in thumbnail view), then use IrfanView's batch
process twice.

Not perfectly sure, haven't actually done it that way.


No mail, please.
Archived from groups:,alt.comp.freeware (More info?)

On Tue, 10 May 2005 10:59:09 +0100, "Beck"
<my_bulkmail@btopenworld.invalid> wrote:

>Ben Holness wrote:

>> Resize a bunch of jpg files so that their largest edge is 1024.

>> I want to resize them all so that they are either 1024x768 or
>> 768x1024. The main reason I want to do this is to make the files
>> smaller so that I can upload them to a website.

>I think 1024x768 is a bit too big for web pages and your images would take
>up a whole page with the possible addition of scrollbars which may aggravate
>many people. Unless they have to be that size for screen wallpapers or for
>a photographic website you really would be better off making them alot
>smaller than that.

I agree. On my web pages (example: I
have only small pictures, 100 pixels wide, that load quickly,
and if a reader clicks on one, he gets an 800 pixel picture (800
x 600 or 600 x 800). If anybody wants a larger resolution, he
can ask for it by email.


No mail, please.
Archived from groups:,alt.comp.freeware (More info?)

On 10 May 2005 05:13:07 -0700, wrote:

>IrfanView (3.95) *can* do it, in one pass - you just have to look..
>Under Set Advanced Options in the batch conversion process, look at the
>resize function - it has a 'Set Long Side..' option. I haven't used
>it, but I presume it does what it says!

I used the previous version and it could do it as well .. one has to
look slightly further than a nose length ..
Archived from groups:,alt.comp.freeware (More info?)

On 10 May 2005 05:13:07 -0700, wrote:

>IrfanView (3.95) *can* do it, in one pass - you just have to look..
>Under Set Advanced Options in the batch conversion process, look at the
>resize function - it has a 'Set Long Side..' option. I haven't used
>it, but I presume it does what it says!

Ah, great! Thanks for this info.


No mail, please.
Archived from groups:,alt.comp.freeware (More info?)

On Tue, 10 May 2005 10:07:25 +0100, "Ben Holness"
<> wrote :

>I am looking for a piece of software that will do the following:
>Resize a bunch of jpg files so that their largest edge is 1024. I have a
>number of photos from a number of cameras. some were taken on a 4MP
>camera, some on a 5MP camera. Some photos are horizontal, some are
>I want to resize them all so that they are either 1024x768 or 768x1024.
>The main reason I want to do this is to make the files smaller so that I
>can upload them to a website.
Microsoft have an Image Resizer Power Toy on their web site.
It's free and it works, but I think it's now only for XP.
You can resize into a new file or resize the original, and do multiple
files all at once.
It does 640x480, 800x600, 1024x768 and some smaller sizes for
Peter Wilkins
Archived from groups:,alt.comp.freeware (More info?)

Hans-Georg Michna wrote:
> On 10 May 2005 02:31:41 -0700, wrote:
>>IrfanView (freeware) can also do it if you
>>look around a bit and use the batch conversion function and press a few
>>buttons to get to advanced options.
> I don't think IrfanView can do it,

It certainly can.

Under "Set advanced options" in the Batch dialog, set both X and Y
resize to 1024, and make sure "Preserve aspect ratio" is checked.
Images will be resized so the longest side is constrained to 1024.

There are also separate "Set long side to:" and "Set short side to:"
options that can be used separately or together.

avast! Antivirus: Outbound message clean.
Virus Database (VPS): 0519-1, 05/10/2005
Tested on: 5/10/2005 5:21:18 PM
avast! - copyright (c) 1988-2005 ALWIL Software.
Archived from groups:,alt.comp.freeware (More info?) wrote:

> IrfanView (3.95) *can* do it, in one pass - you just have to look..
> Under Set Advanced Options in the batch conversion process, look at the
> resize function - it has a 'Set Long Side..' option. I haven't used
> it, but I presume it does what it says!

It does, but you can also use the regular resize, set X and Y both to
the max size you want, and ensure the "Preserve aspect ratio" box is

avast! Antivirus: Outbound message clean.
Virus Database (VPS): 0519-1, 05/10/2005
Tested on: 5/10/2005 5:22:37 PM
avast! - copyright (c) 1988-2005 ALWIL Software.
Archived from groups:,alt.comp.freeware (More info?)

Churchill, Dave wrote:

> "Ben Holness" <> wrote in message
> news😛
>>I am looking for a piece of software that will do the following:
>>Resize a bunch of jpg files so that their largest edge is 1024. I have a
>>number of photos from a number of cameras. some were taken on a 4MP
>>camera, some on a 5MP camera. Some photos are horizontal, some are
>>I want to resize them all so that they are either 1024x768 or 768x1024.
>>The main reason I want to do this is to make the files smaller so that I
>>can upload them to a website.
>>I have looked at a number of programs (most of them found searching for
>>image resizers on google groups), but can't find any that offer better
>>than a percentage or fixed resizing.
>>Also important is to reduce the file size as much as possible, without
>>losing too much image quality, but some of the ones I have looked at don't
>>seem to optimize the jpeg too well when re-saving.
>>Any suggestions appreciated!
>>PS. If I have to, I will sort out the 4MP/5MP/horizontal/vertical, but I
>>am still after recommendations for a resizer that will give small file
>>sizes :)
> Many people forget that Windows XP will do this singly or in batch for jpeg
> files. Use file manager (Explorer), highlight the files you want to
> downsize, right-hand click, use "send to - email recipient", click on
> "options", select file size. Assuming you have a default email program set
> up, a new email message will pop-up after the conversion process is
> complete, with the reduced-size jpegs as file attachments. You can just
> send those as email, or save the attachments wherever.
> This may seem timeconsuming, but actually is quick since you don't have to
> load alternative program and set the options. Depends on how often you have
> to do it.

You still have to wait for the mail program to load and create a new
message with the attachments, once the wizard is done. Irfanview loads
faster than any other program I've got :)

avast! Antivirus: Outbound message clean.
Virus Database (VPS): 0519-1, 05/10/2005
Tested on: 5/10/2005 5:24:56 PM
avast! - copyright (c) 1988-2005 ALWIL Software.
Archived from groups:,alt.comp.freeware (More info?)

> I want to resize them all so that they are either 1024x768 or 768x1024.
> The main reason I want to do this is to make the files smaller so that I
> can upload them to a website.

Try the excellent and free Jalbum from:

Theres a wide variety of different web album types and an active community
working on new improved ways of displaying photos. You can set the size of
the resized image exactly as you want and the JPEG quality factor used to
generate the resized images is also under your control. The most popular
skins right now are probably BluPlusPlus and ExhibitPlus
