Question internet speed question


Aug 20, 2016
what is the better site for testing internet speed. i have 500 up-dn and i now use ookla for the tests and that seems good but i tried the speed check and that was way slow for fiber internet and then i tried and that seemed a bit over when my phone app for frontier tells me. also why doe the speed start out slow and creep up? if that really normal or is it when i go to a website the speed is slow for a bit and then ramps up?
thanks. i tried them they seem to respond a bit faster than ookla. when i use ookla do you happen to know why the speed starts out slow and builds over a few seconds? it did not seem to do that with google or earthlink they both started just a bit low but but went up to the speed i was getting fast. thanks
thanks. i tried them they seem to respond a bit faster than ookla. when i use ookla do you happen to know why the speed starts out slow and builds over a few seconds? it did not seem to do that with google or earthlink they both started just a bit low but but went up to the speed i was getting fast. thanks
I am not really sure about this, but some say that ISPs have been caught increasing bandwitdth when a speed test is run to make it look like you have more speed available than advertised, so you're "happy" with your service. But overall with about 3 or 4 tests, you can get an average and be happy with that.
i can't say frontier is doing that as when i run the test it is all over the place. i pay for 500 mbps up-dn and the eero router tells me that is what i'm seeing. but on my pc i have got as low as 50mbps. but i think that is because the hp port dock is not working good or the usb port is struggling to run the lan the hdmi and a few usb items. today i plugged in the hdmi and lan to there respective ports and the internet speed has done much better.