Question ion Laptop black screen but it displays on external monitor

May 22, 2022

I dont know if i have broken the ribbon cable or whats wrong.
But the laptop screen got black with no backlight working after i plugged it out and in again.
I tried using a flashlight on the screen but i cant see anything.
The GPU fans are working fine.
If i connect it to an external monitor i can view the laptop screen and it reads just fine on the external monitor.
Can it be a damaged ribbon cable or the screen?
Because i find it weird that i can view my laptop screen on my external monitor if the ribbon cable isnt broken.
Has this laptop been opened (like for internal servicing) since this happened? What makes you suspect the ribbon cable, otherwise?

Because i removed the screen without disconnecting the laptop battery and the laptop power was turned off. But when i try to use a flashlight on the screen i cant see anything so i doubt its the backlight. When i look at the ribbon cable it doesnt look broken.