Question iphone 13 speaker issues

May 22, 2022
Is there anyone out there that is having intermittent issues with their iphone 13 speaker phone?

Since the day I brought my phone home, I have been told from my colleagues that my voice goes in and out and blanks out when I am on speakerphone. It happens almost daily and is usually when I am in a quiet room and when my phone is flat on a desk. (I work in many different locations on many different wifi networks so I know this is not a connection issue) The problem is always solved when I take the phone off speaker, or put it on my airpods. Even my apple watch has less issue than my new iphone. I tried taking it back to verizon and they replaced the sim card. That still didn't fix the issue. Apple has done their in store "diagnostics" twice now and say they can find nothing wrong.

I read an article on Forbes that their microphone configuration is different? Maybe its a voice cancellation problem?

Let me know if you are having this issue as well.
Is there anyone out there that is having intermittent issues with their iphone 13 speaker phone?

Since the day I brought my phone home, I have been told from my colleagues that my voice goes in and out and blanks out when I am on speakerphone. It happens almost daily and is usually when I am in a quiet room and when my phone is flat on a desk. (I work in many different locations on many different wifi networks so I know this is not a connection issue) The problem is always solved when I take the phone off speaker, or put it on my airpods. Even my apple watch has less issue than my new iphone. I tried taking it back to verizon and they replaced the sim card. That still didn't fix the issue. Apple has done their in store "diagnostics" twice now and say they can find nothing wrong.

I read an article on Forbes that their microphone configuration is different? Maybe its a voice cancellation problem?

Let me know if you are having this issue as well.
Yes fighting this issue since my “upgrade” to iPhone 13. Been through Apple Diagnostics twice. Finally got them to replace the phone same issue!! Upgraded to iOS 15.5. Same issue!!!!
Is there anyone out there that is having intermittent issues with their iphone 13 speaker phone?

Since the day I brought my phone home, I have been told from my colleagues that my voice goes in and out and blanks out when I am on speakerphone. It happens almost daily and is usually when I am in a quiet room and when my phone is flat on a desk. (I work in many different locations on many different wifi networks so I know this is not a connection issue) The problem is always solved when I take the phone off speaker, or put it on my airpods. Even my apple watch has less issue than my new iphone. I tried taking it back to verizon and they replaced the sim card. That still didn't fix the issue. Apple has done their in store "diagnostics" twice now and say they can find nothing wrong.

I read an article on Forbes that their microphone configuration is different? Maybe its a voice cancellation problem?

Let me know if you are having this issue as well.

I also have the same issue on my iPhone 13 pro.

One thing that oddly seems to work for me is to goto settings>> cellular >> cellular data options >> voice & data

then select LTE instead of any of the 5g options. It’s very odd that this seems to resolve the issue. I would think it was carrier related but this issue seems to be occurring for a ton of people using various carriers. I’m curious to see if this fix works for anyone else. Pretty annoying to not be able to use 5G if I want to be able to have speakerphone or FaceTime work.