Iphone 5s vs. Samsung s4


Aug 8, 2013
I'm debating whether to buy the new 5s or the s4. I've done a bunch of research and watched a ton of videos comparing both phones, but i still don't know. I want the 5s because of the slow motion camera, finger scanner, ios7, easy to use, cool colors, face time, dual flash and an updated siri. Also because all my music is on iTunes and most of my friends have iphones and it would be fun to facetime. Reasons why I want galaxy s4:
-5 inch screen, 1080x1920 resolution
-13 megapixel camera
- good camera features like eraser and best picture
-good multitasking options
-S translator/ S active
-Air gestures (heard they work)
-Smart scroll
-Removable battery/ micro sd card
-cheaper (if i got the iphone i would have to get the 32gb version, but with the s4 i would just buy a micro sd card to expand 16gb memory)
-Probably more features

So I know the s4 is probably the best phone, but I do like the new look of ios7, and not having to buy 100 new songs. But the s4's features are to die for.
I work for att and I would say without hesitation the Samsung galaxy s4 is wayyyyyyy better and say more fun to play with and if all your friends have iphone you can laugh at them while your phone is doing all kinds of cool stuff and there lame iphone is sitting there like a duck ha ha ha :) also compare specs for cpu and ram on gsmarena.com you will get a good laugh at Apple with half the ram and cpu power lol either way have fun with your new phone :D


Sep 25, 2013
I work for att and I would say without hesitation the Samsung galaxy s4 is wayyyyyyy better and say more fun to play with and if all your friends have iphone you can laugh at them while your phone is doing all kinds of cool stuff and there lame iphone is sitting there like a duck ha ha ha :) also compare specs for cpu and ram on gsmarena.com you will get a good laugh at Apple with half the ram and cpu power lol either way have fun with your new phone :D


Aug 5, 2009
"But the s4's features are to die for. "

You've pretty much answered it there.

They are both top of the line and, of course, very good phones. For savvy folk it's the features and monthly package that sell these phones.