iPhone 6 Plus vs Galaxy Note 4: Phablet Face-Off

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I'm really surprised you choose the iPhone's bar picture to be better. If I was just looking at the two and decided which is better I would have said the Note's picture was much better. I also disagree with your selfie, the iPhone had a much more accurate color tones, on the Note the person is very washed out.
If you switch the Note 4 to "Basic" screen mode you get a more color accurate screen than the iPhone 6 plus. This is (partly) why nearly every other comparison on the internet gives the edge to the Note 4 screen.
Camera is a Draw everything else is won by Note 4 easily. Battery Life is much better on Note 4, Note 4 has best screen of any phone on the market, annihilates the 6plus. Apps are much better optimised and more are available on Note 4. Based on the review i would have thought this apple biased site would have picked the 6plus, I guess in the end common sense prevailed and they chose the vastly superior note 4.
YOu forgot to mention the incredible RISK of using Android. So many hacker infected apps on the Marketplace - the chance of downloading something really harmful. The number of Android exploits grows every day, whereas we have yet to see an active exploit for IoS. Some might not find this a big issue, but it is if you have money in a bank and a good job making that money. I realize many of the people viewing this site are children in school who do not pay for anything, but it is important to remind your viewers who DO generate income that the total lack of security on Android is a HUGE show stopper.
Bosco Butter,

The android market place (The Play Store) is no more at risk than the apple app store. Every app in the play store is scanned and verified before being able to be downloaded. What causes viruses for android is when the "allow 3rd party apps to be installed" check box is enable, that problems can occur. You see android gives you the option to utilize apps,services, etc. outside the store. You can do so, but at at your own risk. It's actually incredibly hard to get a virus on a phone, but more often than not when it does occur it's user error. That is why the simplistic, locked in, user friendly iphone is the way to go if you don't have much understanding of modern technology. Don;t get my wrong it's not a bad device, but you can get the same power, with more features, for less money on a PREMIUM android. I emphasise premium because every android is different. That;s because there are several manufacturers and hundreds of models. Don't believe the hype about viruses on smartphones, people need to to be proactive not reactive.
Sam Rutherford,
I agree with a majority of what you stated. I do however have one thing in the comparison I disagree with, the battery life. First let me start by saying that all androids come with bloatware. Once removed the performance and battery life noticeably increase. That includes your the cellular providers un-installable apps... WIth my Note 4, I get on "average use" (videos, research, games, music, checking the time, etc.) 36-42 hrs of use before it gets to the 1% where you just have to charge it. I could always enable the general power saver and gain an additional 2-3 hrs. Also if I were to enable the ultra power saver mode I could get up to 19.5 days of "basic use". Lastly If my battery starts to degrade I can always swap it out for another. With all that said, I think the battery portion of the mash up should go to the Note 4.
YOu forgot to mention the incredible RISK of using Android. So many hacker infected apps on the Marketplace - the chance of downloading something really harmful. The number of Android exploits grows every day, whereas we have yet to see an active exploit for IoS. Some might not find this a big issue, but it is if you have money in a bank and a good job making that money. I realize many of the people viewing this site are children in school who do not pay for anything, but it is important to remind your viewers who DO generate income that the total lack of security on Android is a HUGE show stopper.
I'm a long time Android user (Android user as in Nexus), and while I've owned Galaxy Notes in the past I've never been that impressed by them.

I've been using my 6 Plus for the past week and really enjoying it, but after reading review after review favoring the Note 4 over it i had to go into a store and see for myself what I was missing. Holding them side by side I really don't see why people think the Note 4 is better! I was fully prepared to exchange the iPhone for it today but after seeing it in person I really can't see why people love it so much.
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