IPhone 6s straight talk issues


Feb 16, 2016
I bought my wife a
Verizon iPhone 6s
And I have been fighting with straight talk trying to get the phone to work properly.
We can make and receive calls,
But text messages don't work properly and we have no data/ enternet access...
I bought the bring your phone kit from Walmart and went through the process as described... I've tried everything that I know of and have been directed to do...
A week later and still no enternet/data

Someone please help me !!!!
Private message me or post it up here for others...

Thanks in advance for any help.
Had the same issue with my wife's iphone 5s on Straighttalk via Verizon. Data wouldn't work when no wifi connection.
The problem was that there was no 'profile' installed.
I was on the phone with Straight talk support for about an hour.
They kept telling me to go to the 'Settings', 'General', 'Profile' tab, but there was no 'Profile' tab under General.
Finally they directed me to get on Safari on the iPhone and go to a specific page which allowed me to install a new profile. Of course, I had to have a wifi connection to do it. It installed a profile named tracfone.vzwentp.

On a website http://www.howardforums.com/showthread.php/1876390-Why-is-LTE-Data-Not-Working-on-Straight-Talk-BYOD-VZW-LTE-iPhones, I found the following...
Had the same issue with my wife's iphone 5s on Straighttalk via Verizon. Data wouldn't work when no wifi connection.
The problem was that there was no 'profile' installed.
I was on the phone with Straight talk support for about an hour.
They kept telling me to go to the 'Settings', 'General', 'Profile' tab, but there was no 'Profile' tab under General.
Finally they directed me to get on Safari on the iPhone and go to a specific page which allowed me to install a new profile. Of course, I had to have a wifi connection to do it. It installed a profile named tracfone.vzwentp.

On a website http://www.howardforums.com/showthread.php/1876390-Why-is-LTE-Data-Not-Working-on-Straight-Talk-BYOD-VZW-LTE-iPhones, I found the following instructions to install a profile.
"Go to http://iphone.flexserve.net/select and under manual configure type the apn TRACFONE.VZWENTP and then hit generate and install that profile."

I tried it and had to remove the profile that I had previously downloaded. I powered off/on the phone and could not get 4G on the iPhone 5s, but it had LTE data service (I turned off the wifi to test it).