Iran using AMD Opterons for Ballistic Missile research?
This is nothing....
Fifteen years ago, Russia used Silicon Graphics Indigos to design the 550kt thermonuclear warhead mounted on the RT-2UTTH Topol M Intercontental Ballistic Missiles presently aimed at us.
The Russians managed to acquire these advanced workstations (for it's time) and get around the export restrictions by convincing the US Commerice Department they were intended for environmental research.
What the Russians did 15 years ago with Indigos can be done today with Core 2 Duo personal computers I can buy at Walmart for $600. Come to think of it, the physics design of modern W61, W80, W76, W87 and W88 thermonuclear warheads were performed on supercomputers 30-25 years ago that were less powerful than that $600 Walmart Core 2 Duo computer.
Export restrictions do not work on items that are commerically available. They only work on items the government has a monopoly on and can control the information about the technology as well as the items.