Iran Uses AMD for Rocket Research

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[citation][nom]Raidur[/nom]Looks like Iran knows how to budget! =P[/citation]
looks like the Iran knows what is better by design , and make a smarter choice , they know the future is fusion 😀
Looks like Iran hasn't heard of gpgpu. Seriously we are worried about 192 GFLOPS? In about 12 years they will finish a model that some kid in Romania did on 4 graphics cards in 3 minutes. Not to hate on Romanians, but they have quite the hacker community I hear. Anyway, Why is this a worry to us? Isn't that all less power than 1 core i7 chip? I'm glad they arent smart enough to smuggle something useful.
Free economy? Oh well, so much for the embargo...thank you black markets. I wonder why they didn't buy Intel Core QUAD...... Oh yeah they are to EXPENSIVE! LOL
if equipment for nuclear weapons development can easily get in and out of 'unfriendly' countries, how hard can a couple of cpus be.

at least Iran is helping to balance the markets by buying AMD.
USA is playing a double game.. First by providing weapons and technology to countries which they think is hostile and then accusing them of theft and then invading them by using hostile force. By Far... Israel and USA has been responsible for more deaths then all the other wars combined.
[citation][nom]twisted politiks[/nom]sorry to continue with the off-topic stuff, but Wall-E is also mac, due to the fact that when he boots up, the mac welcome sound comes along with the boot-up.[/citation]
Well, Wall-E is an old Macintosh were EVE is a Mac Pro 😉
Article delivered by intel.
AMD is bad, buy intel!
AMD aiding the terrorist, buy intel.

... it's like WTF!? Do research where is intel used!!!
graphic card computing only works well for integer iterations.

Any Iranian can purchase AMD (online) in most of the western world... so the embargo is just a paper tiger.

Besides, a couple of Playstation 3 in a grid works miracles as well.
Of course, Iran has to support a fellow middle-eastern company. They won’t use Intel because Intel’s chips have backdoor for CIA while AMD’s backdoor are for the Revolutionary Guard.
The mechanisms of mutual support between Israel and its allies are explained by Andy Martin, a journalist and independent columnist based in Chicago, taking the case of Intel: “Israeli strongman Ariel Sharon is demanding $2.5 billion dollars to fund his genocide against Palestinians after he 'vacates' the Gaza Strip. At the same time, his government has offered Intel $500 billion to build a plant on blood-soaked and disputed land.”

Israel offered half a trilion dollars?
Its funny how the "palestinian" (there is no such nation, they are just arabs that came looking for jobs that came with the development made by the jewish immigration, prior to that the jewish population was infact higher) uses the same terms that are used to describe mass population murder to the blockade of merchant goods at worst case scenario. This wall infact stops infiltrations and attacks on Israeli civilian population.
A U.S. tech embargo dosen't mean anything. Foreign countries do this all the time. cough......cough.....China......cough..... This is what happens when you put an embargo on U.S. tech that is NOT PRODUCED in the U.S. AMD probably didn't authorize it but they probably knew it was happening. How could they stop it?
[citation][nom]jhansonxi[/nom]Embargoes are useless. Don't bother imposing one unless you're willing to build a wall around the entire country.I wonder if the Israelis use Intel and Windows on their HPC clusters.[/citation]
Probably. Isreaelis are superior in intellect to those racist Iranians and it was a dumb idea for nazi germany to try to exterminate them because they were a bulk of Germany's brightest scientists.
thats like the US and the Canadian border it happens all over if you carnt get what you want you get it anyway you only have to look at Pirate or that compony trying to make a PC Apple all because they are told NO your not aloud
Who's voting down the comments suggesting that Intel is behind this? Corporate espionage trolls inside? It's a tad odd to look at what's getting voted down and what's not...
Iran using AMD Opterons for Ballistic Missile research?

This is nothing....

Fifteen years ago, Russia used Silicon Graphics Indigos to design the 550kt thermonuclear warhead mounted on the RT-2UTTH Topol M Intercontental Ballistic Missiles presently aimed at us.

The Russians managed to acquire these advanced workstations (for it's time) and get around the export restrictions by convincing the US Commerice Department they were intended for environmental research.

What the Russians did 15 years ago with Indigos can be done today with Core 2 Duo personal computers I can buy at Walmart for $600. Come to think of it, the physics design of modern W61, W80, W76, W87 and W88 thermonuclear warheads were performed on supercomputers 30-25 years ago that were less powerful than that $600 Walmart Core 2 Duo computer.

Export restrictions do not work on items that are commerically available. They only work on items the government has a monopoly on and can control the information about the technology as well as the items.
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